Tuesday, February 1, 2011

What To Wear With A Black Sequined Skirt

Norbert Elias on the relationship between individual and society

TOPIC: Explain and discuss the following:
Individuals are not bound by a cement. Whether one considers only the crowd in the streets of a big city: most people do not know. They have almost nothing to do with each other. They crowded in disorder, each pursuing its own goals and its own projects. They come and go as they please. Parts of a whole? The term certainly is not used here to good effect, at least not if its meaning must be determined solely by the vision of static structures or closed in upon themselves in space, by experiments such as we offer the buildings and works of art or even institutions. But there is undoubtedly another side of the coin, despite all the freedom of movement of individuals, a hidden order, which is not directly sensitive, is clearly at work in this crowd rushing into disorder. Each isolated individual occupies a certain place in this crowd. It has a table where they eat, a bed where he sleeps, and even those who do not eat, and who are homeless are at the same time a product and a component of the order that controls all movement.

Moved by Mr. Samba Gnane/LPA/2010-2011
The text before us is a reflection that ranks in the field of moral and political philosophy. It is political because its subject of study the relationship between the individual and society. The author, Norbert Elias tries to solve the philosophical problem as follows: the strong link between the company sets the individuals who compose it is comparable to that between the bricks of a building and she removes them freedom? For the author individuals are not fully chained together like slaves of the social order because they retain their freedom of movement, freedom to pursue their interests, but there is nevertheless believes an "hidden agenda" behind this apparent freedom of individuals. The first part, which stops at "disorder" highlights the existence of a certain individual freedom in society. The rest of the text comes into perspective by showing that this freedom is not absolute since there is a government, a "hidden agenda". What proves that behind the apparent freedom of individuals in society there is always a hidden agenda? How to highlight the existence of this order and the need for this order in social life?


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