Tuesday, March 1, 2011

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Alain Juppe in Bordeaux: "I am confident to get organized"

Posted February 28, 2011 on the site monde.fr

they remain so busy conducting fratricidal squabbles among themselves as long as possible, this will prevent them having time now to prepare an operation military (which now seems increasingly likely) in Libya!

Alain Juppé, ministre des affaires étrangères et maire de Bordeaux.

Alain Juppe , foreign minister and mayor of Bordeaux. REUTERS / Regis Duvignau

It was all smiles on Monday 28 February, at a press conference, Alain Juppe. The "promotion" of the government, the new minister of foreign affairs, yet gave a press conference as mayor of Bordeaux and was soon bombarded with questions about the difficulties of such a combination. "I trust me to get organized," he replied, with some malice, a reporter who asked about the implication of François Fillon, Alain Juppe that would "less present" now Bordeaux.Comment Alain Juppe will he therefore take steps to guarantee his work in Bordeaux? "As I did when I was prime minister for four months or, as minister of defense," he replied, citing the fact that he had "well-oiled team." "I have an iPhone" , he said, pretending to search his pocket.

This good mood does not remember some of the promise that Alain Juppe had made with Bordeaux in 2008: "I'll be a full-time mayor with no other elective office," he said during elections Municipal. The future foreign minister had just been elected head of the city, after losing the 2007 legislative elections, and with them his great department of ecology.

HE WELCOMES Alliot-Marie and Nicolas SARKOZY

Asked about other issues, Alain Juppe has shown its solidarity with Michele Alliot-Marie was quite and brings with Nicolas Sarkozy : "I am well placed to know that politics is sometimes made of moments of great toughness and even injustice," he said about his predecessor, in reference to his own in the wilderness following his conviction in 2004. He still remembered that he had talked about "clumsiness" while stating: "Michele Alliot-Marie has assured its function with a great sense of public interest."

"I'll tell you a secret: I thought I might have difficulty working with Nicolas Sarkozy," told Alain Juppe, interviewed on the reasons for its refusal to dock Portfolio Orsay in the reshuffle last November. A decision related to the influence in certain cases French Foreign of Claude Gueant , former secretary general of the Elysee, spent indoors on Sunday. the "confidence" of Alain Juppe seemed above all a means to lease capacity "listening" Nicolas Sarkozy, he is "of course" ready to help 2012.

About the debate on Islam, which he criticized the risks of abuse on his blog, the "Gaullist" this time has been more measured: "There is a framing need, but we should get there. "

We add the following video


About the debate on Islam, here is the position of Alain Juppe February 24, 2011, before his appointment to the Foreign Ministry! It was not yet at that time the new strongman of the new Sarkozy government!

Place of Islam: Juppe wants framing the debate to avoid

© AFP / File - Jewel Samad

The Defence Minister Alain Juppe reiterated Thursday that he had to make a "framing" the debate on the place of the Islam in France "Before launching into this discussion that might derail.

"It's a question that the French, but if this debate is not controlled and supervised (...) may skid. Because he is here or there, in some sectors of French society a sense of Islamophobia and rejection of the foreigner who is clearly exploited by the National Front ", he argued on France Inter.

"It is dangerous, because today we must try to collect and not to divide," added the UMP mayor of Bordeaux.

Alain Juppe was one of the first members of the majority to worry about the desire of President Nicolas Sarkozy to launch a debate on the place of Islam, stressing that the failure of national identity.

He was also "not conducive to what we reopen the debate on the law of 1905 (...) One of the pillars of the Republic and secularism", unlike the Minister of Housing Benedict appeared.

"I said, long ago, Islam has its place in France. There are four to five million Muslims in France, they are not all practitioners, but they are Muslim and we must respect their religion, "Mr. Juppe said, stressing that it was" a fundamental Republican principle, freedom to choose their religion and practice it. "

" No religion can impose its values the republican community (...) must accept Islam. "This is the framing I want us to do before launching into this discussion that might derail," said the former still Prime Minister.

post URL: http://www.lesechos.fr/economie-politique/infos-generales/politique/afp_00325032-place-de-l-islam-juppe-veut-un-cadrage-du- debate-to-avoid-the-derapages.htm

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Debate on Israel: ENS convicted of obstructing freedom of expression

Published March 1, 2011 at lemonde.fr

The Administrative Court of Paris condemned Saturday, February 26, the direction of the Ecole Normale Superieure (ENS) for refused to book a room for a debate on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The collective Palestine ENS filed in early February, a request to reserve a room to hold a new debate within the "week against Israeli apartheid" . According to its members, this debate was aimed "think about relevance of the legal apartheid to describe the Israeli-Palestinian situation. " The group had invited Omar Barghouti, West Bank initiator of the campaign to boycott Israeli goods (" Boycott, divestment and sanctions ", also known as BDS ) and the French-Israeli filmmaker Simone Bitton , as well as Israeli and Palestinian students.

The SLA refused by the voice of its director , Monique Canto-Sperber end of February, booking the room, saying "'ENS is not intended to house meetings of political parties or meetings organized by militant groups, national or international, which express a point of view unequivocal ", as explained blog of World Education .


The collective Palestine denounced a "censorship". After also refused the school principal, he decided to bring the case to court. Who gave it partly right. In its conclusions, the President considers that the complainants "are entitled to argue that the Director of the ENS, in exercising its functions, wore a serious and manifestly illegal to freedom of assembly, which is a fundamental freedom. "

The judge ordered the SLA to suspend its decision to reconsider the application of the collective Palestine. He also notes that the complainants "expressed their determination to ensure the adversarial debates scheduled. ( See the court's decision The Monde.fr on .)

Contacted by The Monde.fr, one of the lawyers of the school, Patrick Klugman , believes "this decision is a dangerous precedent " . "Week against the Apartheid Israel is an event that criminal prosecution, so I do not see how the school could authorize" , says he, considering that the term "apartheid" on the Israel is illegal in France. He added that the SLA has the will to seize the State Council on this issue.

Under the judge's decision, the school principal reviewed on Tuesday, the application of the collective. And again refused the room, because the debate should have been contradictory, and can not be included in the "week against Israeli apartheid" .

The group ensures that the debate is not a promotion organized the boycott of Israel but a substantive debate on the concept of "apartheid". And intends to enter the administrative judge Wednesday to achieve satisfaction.


This case follows cancellation of a debate with Stéphane Hessel Israel in mid-January, which sparked a controversy . The author of indignation you!, former resistance, was invited to discuss the repression of the campaign to boycott Israeli products. The direction of the ENS was canceled after the debate concerns relayed by the Representative Council of Jewish organizations in France and several Jewish organizations.

A decision that had angered several researchers alumni of the school, which had denounced in a letter published in Liberation an attack on freedom of expression. They felt that the Director of the ENS had "disgraced his office" . The latter had complained in a forum World a "din of indignation and sincere in bad faith mixed" . And had explained that he decided "Only" of this cancellation, saying it was a "meeting without debate." She added: "If a similar situation arose again, I would act the same way."

Nabil Wakim

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What vision of society for the Arab world? The temptation Turkish

Posted February 28, 2011 on the site lexpressiondz.com

"Somewhere, which can happen best Maghreb peoples, it is a challenge constantly renewed: the fight with all the weapons of science and knowledge to try to catch the train of progress. " Maybe, but it seems appropriate to define precisely what constitutes progress!

" America, You Have built your house at the foot of a volcano. Move your house!" In this box "move your house" Means "end your addiction to oil. "

Thomas Friedman (New York Times 23. 02. 2011)

A East wind blows, they say, the Arab countries, to varying degrees, are experiencing a challenge to their way of governance is presented as a novelty, the revolts that have taken if the West, reassured , he thought, forever Sleep of the Arab masses and easily accommodating autocratic rulers as long as their interests for survival-the most botched of independence, especially the peoples subjugated by imperialist French and English are well- protected.

Arab Revival in the early twentieth century
Yet the Arab and Islamic revival is not new. Djamel Eddine Al-Afghani already embarked on the Nahda, we recall the stinging response to the speech he made Renan on the invalidity of Islam. Later this will be Mohammed Abdu and Rashid Redha early twentieth century, which will take the torch, in vain. The British and French imperialists have done everything to prevent the emancipation of the Arab masses who had been promised independence from the grip of the Ottoman Empire. Instead, imperialism will do anything to break the desire for independence Sykes-Picot Agreement that have been aimed to cut up the Ottoman Empire, adding to that Zionism with the Balfour Declaration. It does! and despite the abolition of the Caliphate in 1923, intellectuals and Arab political elites were seduced by Mustafa Kemal. We then saw the flourishing of intellectual circles about the model "Young Turks" will be, "Young Algerians ... Tunisians "who did not last long. Bourguiba of the young twenties even imitated the Turkish flag in Algeria, the Emir Khaled, grand-son of Emir Abdelkader, thought that with the declaration by U.S. President Wilson after the First World War, Algeria would be independent. It did not happen! The Emir Khaled, Saint-Cyr, was exiled in Damascus.

The singularity of Algeria
Without being able to go over all the convulsions of the Arab peoples, "People of Fine departures" said wrongly, Lawrence of Arabia to paraphrase the wildfire. Suffice it to point out that Algeria is the only Arab country to have paid dearly for its independence. More than a million deaths have earned independence, an aura like no other. We know from our own defense, what it is that fight for freedom because we've been deprived for over 132 years by a colonial abject that of repentance nostalgériques with variable geometry, are positive virtues. We expect this side Judgement of History. For the most recent period there yet, Algeria was also the first to be noticed by the cult of martyrdom. Who remembers "the October 1988 explosion, which caused as many deaths as the Tunisian and Egyptian revolts, which the West has doxa as the ultimate fight for freedom? If we have to collect the dead Tunisian, Egyptian, Libyan, and without the competition of victimhood, it is clear that Algeria, in his long, slow struggle for freedom and dignity for a project specific company and does not do things half, it will be after October 1988, after a short-lived euphoria, the red decade fight for a social project in the making, even now. 20,000 dead later with a terrorism that plays into overtime, we dare say that Algeria be like Tunisia or Egypt! Algeria has already paid his tribute to the dead. It is fear that the current instability in these countries is likely to last .. When I see what happens in Tunisia and Egypt, the winds of freedom and concomitant disorder, I pray Heaven to make them painful economic steps by which the Algerian people has increased. The Tunisian and Egyptian brothers, one advice: Do not get confiscate your revolt by the "merchants of the temple or a secular admirers ready to wear." Be nationalist! "
Why have we been waiting, asks Khaled Hroub Al Hayat? "Since the birth of the modern state, Arab countries have experienced many Forms of State: Monarchy, Sultanate, and Republic emirate. In most monarchies, there was a parliament and political parties ... For decades, we continued a great question: why did the Arabs do not they rebel against injustice and despotism? (...) The Arab despotism had shown a surprising resilience, challenging us to answer this lingering question: why do not they revolt? Why do they not democratize? (...) The old school of Orientalism sarcastically recalled to our memories, discoursed with his followers who never question their certainties on the habituation of Arab tyranny and their willingness to live with. In the West, in the academic and journalistic circles, there was talk of "Arab exceptionalism" notion that the Arabs were historically, culturally and religiously (in short, by definition) not ready to accept the values of freedom, democracy and pluralism. (...) The traditional forms of submission will be reproduced in the form of the modern state, which had taken of modernity that appearances and know-how repressive. However, this discourse on Arab exceptionalism is contradicted by the uprising which we witnessing today throughout the Arab world. It is beneficial in that it gives confidence to the Arabs individually and collectively. (...) All of this, the shock of independence, the fragility of legitimacy, the hesitation between narrow nationalism and pan-Arabism, the need for economic development, the Israeli threat and devastating foreign interventions have contributed to prolonging the life of dictatorships. Their time is now coming to maturity. (...) In fact, the real development and economic success require freedom, transparency, democracy and justice impeccable fighting corruption instead of covering it. "(1) The West
give lessons and dictating the standard gives the impression of being overwhelmed. For the first time, Pandora's box eluded him, for he was managing the files of Arab consecutively is obliged to manage them in a parallel manner. The philosopher Alain Badiou writes: "Until the West idle and twilight, the" international community "of those who think themselves the masters of the world, will they continue to give lessons of good management and good conduct to ground right? How distressing persistence of colonial arrogance! (...) The people, the people alone, is the creator of universal history .(...) These creations are proof that people stand there. (...) We see young women come from doctors treating the wounded province sleep in the middle of a circle of fierce young men, and they are quieter than they ever were, they know that nobody will touch a piece their hair. (...) We still see a row of Christians to watch, standing, to watch over the Muslims bowed in prayer. "(2)
political scientist Olivier Roy says the same thing. He believes that the revolts that shook the Arab-Muslim world have very strong features, but they all share the same aspiration to dignity and democracy "is more a revolt than a revolution. In 1989, it was also in the presence of a revolt which led to a change because the systems were removed. Today, two factors impede this movement. The first is the strength of the plans. Here, each country has its specificity. The other problem is that the international community is very ambivalent. On the one hand, she welcomes the democracy, the other, she wants the status quo. (...) The West has suffered a complete blindness was done on two bases. First, the obsession with Islam than it is represented as an entity closed in on itself, unable to move, "Islam incompatible with democracy", etc.. (...) Islam, it would be violence and radicalism. The second point is the strategic vision: we sought only the stability, centered around the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The whole purpose was to obtain a maximum of plans that neutralize the aggressiveness of their population towards Israel. (...) It will really long for Westerners internalize what happens. "For ten years we've been had by a populist rhetoric - both right and left - who says the problem is Islam. "(3)
In fact, western capitalism has, in one way or another, followed suit and, overwhelmed by the events he had a matter of habit to govern and" their opposition domesticated. " Suddenly another unknown youth, strength from the fact that there are no leaders. They then try to save the day by trying to "control" the ras-le-bol legitimate young Arabs for their own interests represented mainly by oil and immunity from Israel. The American columnist Thomas Friedman recently criticized in an article highly acclaimed, American complacency against OPEC's plans. The discourse of the West was "as long as you open the gas pump, you can do whatever you want otherwise." Thomas Friedman rightly this neocolonialism of America (the West) the lead of dropping the Arab world. Recall that the invasion of Iraq, which so many disasters have brought, was decided under the pressure of the U.S. oil lobby. To some extent, one can consider that the bin Laden phenomenon has been invented by them to serve as a pretext to strengthen their hold on the area. "(4)
We know, however, that the" manufacture "of rebellion is a specialty West, without going back to Mossadegh Madeleine Albright told how it happened, we remember that in May 1998 writes Michel Chossudovsky, President Suharto of Indonesia was ousted following mass protests. Western media have reported in chorus of "democratization": the "king of Java" had been overthrown by mass protests, as was the case of Hosni Mubarak, described by contemporary media as the "Pharaoh of Egypt" . (...) The main lesson from the turmoil in Indonesia should be the role played by the United States and the International Monetary Fund (IMF). [...] This neocolonialism has the effect of allowing better control of a country's resources by foreign capital and invariably leaves the majority of the more people in poverty, while wealth is siphoned off even more quickly on the stock exchanges in London and New York. (5) Bertrand Badie
asked during a debate on the Arab World points to the peculiarities of revolts " (...) We easily assimilated than the case of Algeria from Tunisia. Now Algeria's just emerged from a long and costly civil war. In addition, she did not know the same freedoms that choking, Tunisia, was explosive and fatal to the despot. (...) The only way of hope lies in the path followed by emerging powers, Turkey, Brazil, India, which have gradually succeeded in building a democracy through their economic performance due to the birth of a true middle class that is recognized in the virtues of such a regime, and finally thanks to recognition by outside their strength and respectability. "(6)
The West thinks for us and offers us the Turkish model. Secular state governed by a moderate Islamist, Turkey serves as an example after the revolution in Egypt. "The Arab revolt, writes Mary Kostrze are not yet completed that are already thinking about the system which will supersede the dictatorships overthrown. Wrongly or rightly, the "Turkish model", which currently combines democracy and moderate Islamist party, is continually shown as an example. With economic growth averaging 10% is more willingness to liberalize the Turkish economy as his religious aspirations that have shaped his popularity. "(7)

What governance model for the Arab world?
This suggests that the Turkish model - juxtaposition of a democratic political space in the West, a conservative with values widely religious, and an army that is as guardian of fundamental-going charm. It's roughly the view of Tariq Ramadan. Pierre Haski give him the floor: "The direction of movement, the founding generation is now very old, no longer fully the aspirations of younger members, who are more open to the world, want internal reforms and are fascinated by the Turkish example. "Tariq Ramadan chooses his side when he writes:" The Turkish example should be an inspiration for us. "(8)
The West, or more precisely Western capitalism that leads the world is interested its main stream media, as in Algeria when it bleeds! Jean Daniel said he admires how the Algerian police control the unfolding events, and that ultimately there is nothing rare recording. Perhaps he regrets ... I am among those who believe in the inevitability of change at our own pace. We won the right specificity. We must show in the quietness and serenity, protest by responding non-violence instead of provocation against-productive. Nationalism nor democracy being the monopoly of anyone, Algeria needs guides fascinated by the future and which are best for the country beyond their own paths. There is nothing to expect from the capitalist West that is interested only in a fragmented vision of the Arab world and immediate profits. With regard to the Maghreb Union is struggling to unfold, our future is in our solidarity. The solution is to convince them that we have no future together with the immense strength of cultural identity and ritual. Tarik ibn Zayad was right to burn his ships docking in Spain, it was this final sentence: "Al 'adou amamakoum Oual bahrou ouaraoukoum "(the enemy is before you and the sea is behind you). Somewhere, what can happen to a better Maghreb peoples, it is a challenge constantly renewed, that of fighting with all weapons of science and knowledge to try to catch the train of progress.

(*) Ecole Nationale Polytechnique

1.Khaled Hroub: Why we have waited so long? 10/02/2011
2.A. The World
3.O.Roy 21/02/2011: The young generation has a strong political maturity. Cross
4.J.PBaquiast 02/21/2011: New Arab Agoravox
5.M.Chossudovsky February 26, 2011. Suharto Mubarak: history repeats itself 02/25/2011
6.Bertrand Badie: Revenge of the Arab societies. The Mond.fr 24/02/11
7.Marie Kostrze: The "Turkish model" is it applicable to the Arab countries? Rue89 26/02/2011
8.Pierre Haski: Tariq Ramadan praised the "Turkish example." Rue89 09/02/2011

Chems Eddine Chitour Pr (*)

post URL: http://www.lexpressiondz.com/article/8/2011-02-28/86604.html

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Questions i would want to ask Sa'eb Ereikat

Posted March 2, 2011 on the site palestine.info
By Khalid Amayreh

Palestinian Authority (PA) negotiator Saeb Ereikat recently submitted his resignation to the PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas in what is widely considered a tacit admission of responsibility for the scandalous Jazeera revelations concerning Palestinian negotiators' willingness to sell out Palestinian rights to Israel.

Infuriated and embarrassed by these revelations, the (PA) swore that al-Jazeera was acting maliciously and conspiratorially against the PLO and Ramallah regime.

PA spokesmen went as far as accusing the pan-Arab network of colluding with Israel to distort PA image and Palestinian struggle as a whole. One PA operative would have us believe that the very existence of al-Jazeera is a Zionist enterprise aimed at fighting the cause of liberty and revolution in the Arab world.

Coming from the PA, which is viewed by many as a group of quislings working against their own people in cahoots with Israel, these accusations don't warrant a response. They are too cheap and too mendacious to be dignified with a comment.

None the less, I would want to ask the former chief Palestinian negotiator, Dr. Saeb Ereikat, a number of questions regarding the protracted and barren negotiations with Israel.

I'm not asking these questions because I want to embarrass Mr. Ereikat, as some Fatah fanatics might think. In the final analysis, the Palestinian people have a legitimate right to know the tiniest detail of these talks which have been going on for more than 15 years without achieving any result.

I'm not, of course, blaming Ereikat or his colleagues for the futility and fruitlessness of the negotiations, if only because I realize that Israel never wanted to reach true and dignified peace with the Palestinians lest it be forced to pay the price for that peace, namely end its occupation of Arab land and allow Palestinians to achieve their self-determination.

I would want to start with the al-Jazeera's Palestinian Papers, which have upset PA leaders and officials as never before, prompting them to react or overreact in strange even spasmodic ways, such as organizing anti-Aljazeera demonstrations and waging a wide propaganda campaign against it.

My first question to Sa'eb Ereikat is: Don't you see that the PA was actually displaying an image of an entity that was too fragile and too vulnerable, so much that it was shaken to the core by a mere TV documentary, containing certain revelations about Palestinian negotiating behavior?

More to the point, why did the PA pay so much, even disproportionate attention to the secondary issue of who leaked the papers in question while paying much lesser attention to the central question of whether the content of the documents was true or false.

Now we want to delve into the real subject of negotiation with Israel. You know that Palestinian negotiators have been saying all along that they are committed to the so-called Palestinian national constants which include, inter alia, total Israeli withdrawal to the 1967 armistice lines, which we have come to call borders, and the implementation of the right of return in accordance with UN resolution 194.

The PA says that unlike Hamas it deals with the national cause in a realistic and pragmatic manner. If so, one is prompted to ask Dr. Ereikat if PA negotiators believe even in their wildest dreams that Israel would allow for the repatriation of millions of Palestinian refugees uprooted from their homes in what is now Israel when the criminal entity was established more 63 years ago.

There is no doubt that Ereikat and his colleagues would recognize the "utter un-realism and un-pragmatism " of expecting a full or even significant repatriation of the refugees. In fact, several PA officials, including PLO Secretary Yasser Abed Rabbo, who argued openly that it would be "unfair" to ask Israel to accommodate millions of Palestinian refugees as if expelling these refugees from their homes were an act of fairness and not a crime against humanity.

In any case, if demanding the full and total repatriation of the refugees are out of question or unlikely or unrealistic, then why does the PA not confront the Palestinian people with the "truth" and tell them straight in the face to refrain from harboring wild expectations with regard to the right of return?

More specifically, is the PA using the right of return as a bargaining chip to get Israel to be more flexible on other sticky issues such as settlements and statehood?

Another issue. The PA has been saying that it won't accept anything less that a total Israeli withdrawal from East Jerusalem. However, it has been sufficiently clear that the PA has effectively accepted as a foregone conclusion that Israel would be able to annex nearly all Jewish colonies built in East Jerusalem since 1967. Israel would even be able to add to its spoils the so-called Jewish neighborhoods, including the Armenian quarter.

Now, doesn't this stand on the part of Palestinian negotiators undermine the long-held Palestinian stance which insists on the totality of the Israeli withdrawal from the entirety of the West Bank?

Finally, does Mr. Ereikat deny the fact that PA operatives, especially security chiefs, have been coordinating with Israeli army commanders, against Palestinian groups deemed hostile to Israel?

I remember an Israeli journalist a few years ago who reported on a security coordination meeting at Bet El near Ramallah, which brought together Israeli and Palestinian security officials.

The journalist, Danny Rubenstein, quoted the chief of the Palestinian delegation as saying that "we are allies, not enemies, and we have one common enemy, and it is called Hamas."

My question to you Mr. Ereikat is how is it that the PA constantly seeks Arab and international support against Israel while the same PA excellent working relations with Israel on the ground?

I do hope that with the Egyptian, Tunisian and Libyan revolutions, the harrowing of Palestinian negotiators to reach a deal with Israel will stop. This is undoubtedly the desire of the bulk of Palestinians, Arabs and Muslims.

There is no text in the Holy Quran stating that the Palestinian cause must be resolved in 2011 or 2020.

URL du billet: http://www.palestine-info.co.uk/en/default.aspx?xyz=U6Qq7k%2bcOd87MDI46m9rUxJEpMO%2bi1s7fz43YL%2fCxbwpl7q0AeXGwsa1nTgYVxmv3OQInR5CRABAco3UASLqXasJgo7OZZTqi9VAcxyV%2bl2Q%2fvoamqCkwZD%2bYrZYrB5wb%2fxhuHwYOak%3d

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occupation prohibits the holding of two conferences in occupied al-Quds

Published March 1, 2011 at palestine.info

Al- occupied Quds - CPI

A force of intelligence and police of the Zionist occupation stormed this morning, Tuesday 1 / 3, Hotel "Capitol" in the street to Salah Eddine al Quds busy and have banned the holding of a meeting convened by the Coalition for the Defense of Palestinian Rights Al-Quds to assess the legal experience, planning and more popular in the role of local institutions and national forces to defend the land and buildings of the Palestinian citizens in the village of Selwan.

Local sources said that Zionist force has given the hotel management order signed by the Zionist Minister of Internal Security, Yitzhak Aharonovitch, to prevent the holding of the meeting for reasons security.

Odah Zakaria, executive director of the coalition, said that the Zionist forces confiscated identity cards of the participants in the meeting before giving the organizers and the hotel management a banning order signed by the Zionist Minister of Internal Security.
other hand, Aharonovitch issued another order last night to ban a conference for the founding of the federation of young Palestinian al-Quds, which was scheduled at 13:00 in the tent sit-in the neighborhood of al-Bustan Selwan.

Another strength of the Zionist police invaded the home on which the attempt is installed by threatening the owner if held this conference.

post URL: http://www.palestine-info.cc/fr/default.aspx?xyz=U6Qq7k 2bcOd87MDI46m9rUxJEpMO%%% 2bi1s7t4vb1OKOp48NE4iR1PzIE8LgCuliNfPnWqo7B1STZOplFWMnej2qhnpicKlcjT81EsvlQTnAX9NWSwaxgzZsu2 2bR% 3d% 2ffjeskv2P3BrawJ1qqc

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Occupation allocates a budget of $ 24 million for al-Quds Judaize

Published March 1, 2011 at palestine.info

occupied Al-Quds - CPI

The municipality of Zionist occupation in the city occupied al-Quds said it had allocated a budget of 86 million Shekels (24 million dollars) to develop the Arab neighborhoods east of the city and organize them, which really means Judaization areas adjacent to the holy mosque of al-Aqsa and other districts, according to Palestinian legal organizations.

The Zionist weekly newspaper "Jerusalem " near the municipality has warned against the outbreak of violence between Palestinian citizens in the eastern neighborhoods of the city and the occupying forces due process of Judaizing soon to be implemented. He referred to similar incidents in which Palestinians have discovered that the so-called development projects in areas not included because of demolitions, the newspaper said.

The director of information center of al-Quds, Mohammed Sadeq, said specified budget includes funding for the proposed expansion area of the courtyard of al-Buraq adjacent to the blessed mosque al-Aqsa, and opening a new door in the walls of al-Quds to facilitate the entry of settlers and occupation forces to the al-Aqsa plazas.

He drew attention to the fact that infrastructure in Arab neighborhoods in the holy city are neglected and degraded, and that the Zionist project developments are only plans for Judaizing oppress the natives of the city through land confiscation and demolition of homes to serve Zionist settlers, stressing at the same time as the municipality occupation poses a racist slogan around al-Quds to prove that the place is Jewish.

post URL: http://www.palestine-info.cc/fr/default.aspx?xyz=U6Qq7k 2bcOd87MDI46m9rUxJEpMO%%% 2bi1s7Pw 2fiGHJrmUBYuJBkR 2foJS2keNzuquDZayAtpU3ZhWvnQeTIvPDZsRcrdN6c7rGrRox2WKfsqy0rbuzzOaUGm211%%% 2fFTMI2RJFO 2fqLzhSAvR4% 3d

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Occupation invaded the villages of Jenin and installs checkpoints

Posted March 2, 2011 on the site palestine.info

Jenin - CPI

forces Zionist occupation stormed the villages of Eja, Guba and Anza south of the town of Jenin in the occupied West Bank on Tuesday afternoon 1 / 3, and have set up roadblocks to their inputs before entering in several homes of Palestinian citizens in these regions.

Local sources said that the occupying forces invaded the village of Eja and entered many houses and ransacked them.

The sources said that the Zionist forces have installed a military checkpoint at the entrance of the village, while launching a search campaign in vehicles.

The occupying forces also stormed the village of Guba and entered some residential houses near the village before installing checkpoints and searched Palestinian civilian vehicles.

In the same context, Palestinian citizens stressed that the occupying soldiers installed a military checkpoint near the entrance to the village of Anza on the Jenin-Nablus road, searching vehicles and examining the identity cards of passengers.

post URL: http://www.palestine-info.cc/fr/default.aspx?xyz=U6Qq7k 2bcOd87MDI46m9rUxJEpMO%%% 2bi1s7i9E05nVujeXv0cHKHsy 2fjsqjlDddhjUd1SIGsCDvrw 2bT3Dm6r%%% 2b1XuAgwpNMjpHhOBEAcqLA9lF9LsF1WUjj1MZ1 2bpRATATivkhncnnnq8Q8% 3d

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Why I tried to stop Avigdor Lieberman in Brussels

Posted Wednesday, March 2, 2011 on the site info-palestine.net
by David Cronin / The Electronic Intifada


If apartheid is a crime, there is only one way to treat its authors: to stop them. This is precisely what I tried to make me Standing opposite to Avigdor Lieberman, the architect of a series of laws to make even more draconian Israeli apartheid than it already is.

(video: 17 seconds)

While the Israeli foreign minister was about to begin his press conference on 22 January in Brussels, I am standing before him and shouted: " Mr Lieberman, this is an arrest of a citizen . You are accused of the crime of apartheid. Please follow me to the police station nearest you. I was about to clarify the charge when two security agents spread my Lieberman and his unfathomable gaze in fury. So I shouted: " Free Palestine "and" Israel is an apartheid state ", to mark key ideas .

My action will likely lead to the confiscation of the badge which was given to me to have access to the seats of the main institutions of the European Union. Most journalists with whom I discussed the last few hours seem to regard this as a big problem. For me, it is a futile. Palestinians are deprived of their freedom every day because of politics pursued by Lieberman and his colleagues in government. Compared to the restrictions on movement caused by military checkpoints in the West Bank or the blockade of the medieval Gaza Strip, the loss of my press card is not of great consequence.

The decision to stand up against Lieberman was taken after my recent visit to the occupied Palestinian territories. Passing just a Friday afternoon in the area of Silwan in East Jerusalem, I felt like back in Derry or Belfast in the early seventies . I was shocked by the way including police and Israeli soldiers, with all equipment riot, fired their tear on young boys who were doing nothing more sinister than throwing stones at the occupying forces.

was the first time I came to Silwan for nearly two years, and there was a marked proliferation of Israeli flags in relation to my previous visit . That was a sure sign that Palestinians living in Jerusalem since moult generations were now forced to leave their homes to make way for Israeli settlers. Dispossession takes place so that an extremist group, which is called Elad, can realize its plans for the archaeological park of the City of David. With the blessing of the leaders of the State of Israel, Elad finds that the settlers have more rights to live in this area than its present inhabitants, because the remains of a royal palace dating back three thousand years have been discovered in Silwan.

Apartheid is the best word I can think to describe the machinations of these settlers and their friends in government. Although this word, apartheid, is synonymous with South Africa it is recognized as a crime by the UN since 1973. The agreement concerned UN ( Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid ) refers to the domination of one racial group over another. Israel has always been intended to be a state based on the notion of racial supremacy deleterious, Theodor Herzl, the founding father of political Zionism, wrote in 1896 that he hoped to establish " a preliminary post of civilization against barbarism .

Over a century later, Lieberman is back in effect the proposal of Herzl. During the two years that Lieberman and his party, Yisrael Beiteinu (Israel Our Home), the government just passed a score of laws and bills have been filed before the Israeli parliament, the Knesset, with the target specific welding apartheid Israel. The party wants the Palestinian citizens of Israel - which represent about one fifth of the population - an oath of allegiance to a " Jewish and democratic state " (JPG) it takes strong action against the commemoration of the Nakba (the ethnic cleansing that led to the creation of Israel in the forties), and limits the rights of Palestinian prisoners to have a lawyer. Last week, the Knesset held a discussion on the proposal to declare illegal activism which promotes a boycott of Israeli institutions and products.

If you have a sense of déjà vu in Reading these measures favored by Lieberman, because they are for much like those introduced by the minority white government in South Africa during the apartheid era.

Not only apartheid is recognized as a crime by the UN since the seventies, but it was also recently included in crimes covered by the Rome Statute (pdf - Article 7 - j) which establishes the International Criminal Court. The European Union is, theoretically, is a staunch supporter of the ICC, although its representatives mostly not only open his mouth about Israeli apartheid and its consolidation.

Apartheid is not the only crime today, in my opinion. Bertrand Russell, the great British intellectual, formerly referred to the crime of silence. It commits the crime that the European Union when it supported Lieberman, as it did this week in Brussels. If our politicians are silent, then it is for ordinary people to scream as loud as they can.

Video on the manifestation of UPJB and ABP against the coming of Lieberman in Brussels.

(JPG) Born in Dublin in 1971, David Cronin is the Brussels correspondent of news agency Inter Press Service. He first held this position for the Irish newspaper The Sunday Tribune after working as a research and press officer with the European Parliament. Between 2001 and 2006 he worked at the European Voice weekly The Economist Group .

His book, The alliance between Europe and Israel: an aid to the occupation is published by Pluto Press .

the same author:

- Volvo allows torture and strengthens the occupation
- EU boosts its ties with Israel and condoned the illegal settlements
- The combination of Europe with Israel
- How Israeli arms manufacturers benefit from European funds for research
- The silence of the European Union over the actions of the State Israel

Brussels, February 22, 2011 - The Electronic Intifada - Live from Palestine - translation: JPP

post URL: http://www .info-palestine.net/article.php3? id_article = 10248

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Libya: Aziza Brahim, former bodyguard of Qaddafi demonstrates

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إضراب Palestinian detainees in Egyptian prisons enters the day 11

le01 Article published in March 2011 on the site alaqsavoice.ps

غزة - صوت الأقصى

Income of Palestinian detainees in Egyptian prisons, on Tuesday 01/03/2011, atheist their day in a row, in the open-ended hunger strike, demanding the release of which had declared Them, after the change that happened in Egypt after the revolution of January 25, which overthrew the former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak. Egypt continues to arrest about 44 Palestinian prisoners in its jails, some of whom spent Several years, despite their access to court decisions to release them, even though eight of them managed to escape from the jail after the outbreak of the revolution, and access to the Gaza Strip.

was Supreme Military Council, which ruled Egypt has recently announced that it will release 14 Palestinian prisoners, but it has not been released but two of them arrived yesterday one of them to the Gaza Strip, while The other preferred to stay in Egypt, where he holds residence in Egypt. A spokesman for Mr. Emad "brings the people of Palestinian detainees in Egyptian prisons," that the detainees in prison Scorpio on Monday they beat on the doors of the prison, and called on the guards and asked them why you continue to arrest us in spite of the change that happened in Egypt, threatened to set fire to themselves That have not been released.

Mr: "The prison guards asked the detainees, not beating on the doors of the prison, and that if this continues Siqthmon have wards and cells, and abusing Them. He explained that the Egyptians detained in prison and stood with their fellow Palestinians, and prevented the guards from approaching them, or abuse them, and also joined the hunger strike, Mcharkinhm the same demands. Dr. Ahmed Bahar, deputy, the first President of the Palestinian Legislative Council, appealed to Field Marshal Mohamed Hussein Tantawi, head of the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces Egypt's ruling, the need to release all Palestinian detainees in Egyptian prisons.

The Sea in a press release written on the need to address the Palestinian detainees in the file Egyptian prisons who declared a hunger strike earlier, and suffer from extremely difficult situations and threaten to burn themselves if attacked by prison administrations, particularly in the With access to the decisions of the release of the Egyptian judiciary. In the same context; said the editor of the prisons of Egypt Nabil Mansour Bashiti (49 years), who was released Monday, that, during the Revolution Egypt on January 25 last, was arrested on the Palestinians during their escape from the prison of Abu Zaabal.

said Bashiti, who arrived home in the city of Khan Younis, southern Gaza Strip: "We were surprised all of us The fact that Egyptian helicopters to bring in four Palestinian detainees after days of the revolution, it was found that they arrested them after escaping from prison, "Abu Zaabal", and knew of them, "Mohammed poet" Known as the mouse, and Mr. Mohammed. The editor stresses that the prisoners mentioned Bashiti subjected to severe torture with the arrest, pointing out that detainees and prisoners jailed Scorpio particularly the Palestinians living under very difficult conditions, mainly due to "deceive them by pretending that the Egyptian security release when he transferred from the prison vaults of the scorpion, as well as لصدور قرار بالإفراج عن عدد منهم ولم يتم الإفراج بعد.

Link to article: http://www.alaqsavoice.ps/arabic/index.php?action=detail&id=72792

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Fillon ne doute plus de la nécessité d'un débat sur l'islam!!!

Yesterday Monday on RTL in front of Jean-Michel Apathy, Prime Minister Francois Fillon, appear he showed some reservations about the need to impose a new debate on Islam in French society "We had said then that cat scalded ... you know the rest ...

But today, on Tuesday 1st March at the National Assembly, the same Prime Minister seems back on track by defending presidential, with a vigor Sarthe, the relevance of this debate! Listen instead!

Why turn so obvious?!
Mr Juppe became this morning the new strongman of the government, at the same time, Prime Minister has again become the de facto "collaborator of Nicolas Sarkozy" This is why it has no choice but to show good faith if it is to keep a minimum of presidential pardons!

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former officer with "CIA": our children are dying to live, "Israel"

Article publié le 01 mars 2011 sur le site islammemo.cc

Calendar Islam: Shen Michael Scheuer, a former officer in the famous Intelligence Service of America (CIA) attack a scathing policy State support "for Israel" at the expense of U.S. interests.
and said that all American Presidents lying to the American people in order to send the American people, his sons And resources to die for the life of "Israel."
's attack on Michael Scheuer, the sharp U.S. policy and wars in the Middle East while he was a guest on the Colbert Report, Youth Program Hosted by to talk about his new book: "Osama bin Laden," according to AFP.
, "said Scheuer, who resigned from his job at the CIA in 2004 that he wrote this book specifically To expose the lies which contradicted by American politicians to the American people claiming that they sent American soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan to protect the freedom in the world while they are in fact They went to protect the security of Israel and Scheuer added that American blood should not be shed in order to protect the state of Israel, which does not represent any strategic importance to America and that Israel should fight Wars on their own if they wished.
It is known that Scheuer had worked for several years as head of the special unit set up by the CIA to hunt down and kill bin Laden, and was called (The bin Laden unit), and this has become one of the most Scheuer, the CIA officers experience relationship America in the Islamic world.
book released by the Oxford American has published صدرت طبعته الأولي يوم 17 فبراير 2011 من 304 صفحة، ومن المنتظر أن تكون هناك منافسة قوية بين دور النشر العربية لطبع نسخة عربية من هذا الكتاب .
Lien de l'article: http://www.islammemo.cc/akhbar/American/2011/03/01/118263.html

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Karachi: à peine nommé ministre, Longuet est déjà mis en cause

Published March 1, 2011 at tempsreel.nouvelobs.com

Gérard Longuet et François Balladur en 1994 AFP
Gerard Longuet and Francis Balladur in 1994 AFP

The treasurer of the presidential campaign of Edouard Balladur in 1995, Rene Galy-Dejean , assured before Judge Renaud van Ruymbeke be unable to explain a payment in cash of 7 million francs for the defeated candidate in 1995, it was learned Tuesday Galy-Dejean mars.René first was heard on February 15 as an assisted witness, intermediate status between the witness and placed under investigation by Judge van Ruymbeke, to investigate a financial component of the case Karachi.

In spring 2010, the daily Libération revealed the existence of a document summarizing a payment of 10 million francs (1.5 million) in Northern Credit April 26, 1995.
"I've never seen this document and my total surprise because I never filed 10 million francs in Credit du Nord," said Rene Galy-Dejean to judge, as his hearing cited by PV Mediapart and World . The former treasurer said only remember a payment of 3 million francs.

campaign accounts have been validated by the Constitutional Council, then chaired by Roland Dumas, against the advice of the rapporteurs.

Questions about the Republican Party

The World According , Judge Renaud van Ruymbeke appears to establish a link between the payment for the campaign of Edouard Balladur and the case known as the "Fondo ": this is also a payment of $ 5 million francs for the purchase of the headquarters of the Republican Party. This political group supported Edouard Balladur. It was chaired by Gerard Longuet, that Nicolas Sarkozy has appointed the Ministry of Defence.

Counsel for plaintiffs in the attack in Karachi, Mr. Olivier Morice , announced he would seek a hearing Gerard Longuet by the judge in charge of the investigation into the attack in Karachi Marc Trévidic. Gerard Longuet
succeeded as head of the Republican Party to Francois Leotard, who was recently heard by Judge

post URL: http://tempsreel.nouvelobs.com/actualite/politique/20110301.OBS8920/ karachi-a-just-appointed Minister-longish-is-already-made-in-cause.html

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Palestine occupée: une centaine de nouvelles colonies juives

Posted on Tuesday, March 1 2011sur Site Info palestine.net
by Ma'an News

military officials Israeli Haaretz newspaper said the government was poised to "immediately dismantle all illegal settlements built on private Palestinian land," [actually three outposts - translator's note] newspaper reported Tuesday.

A nscénario running well, the settlers multiplied the settlement outposts in Palestinian territory, and then await their "legalization" by the occupation forces

But at the same time the government's decision was also proposing to legalize d Other outposts [97 outposts - translator's note], which became "state land".

The announcement came hours after Israeli troops have invested two warehouses in an outpost near Havat Gilad, a Jewish settlement in the northern West Bank near Nablus.

The dismantling of the two structures [the two warehouses] has triggered anger in the communities of settlers, prompting the Israeli army and police to close streets in the northern West Bank, while demonstrations of support for settlers in Jerusalem and broke a series of acts of vandalism were committed by settlers against Palestinians and their property.

According to Haaretz, the Israeli government's decision will be submitted to the High Court of Justice in response to 15 petitions calling for the demolition of the outposts. The decision should affect three outposts manned by about a hundred families.

One hundred outposts of settlements on Palestinian lands installed

It should be noted that the decision will not affect the house formerly occupied by Eliraz Peretz [Israeli army officer killed by Palestinian resistance in March 2010 - translator's note], with an exemption provided by the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

The same decision at the same time present a plan to legalize other outposts. According to NGOs and watchdog groups, there are about 100 settlement outposts stand West Bank.

With three outposts to be dismantled, 97 others could be legalized under Israeli law, according to figures provided by Peace Now [the term legalize is pure propaganda, since the status by definition of all these illegal colonial settlements is the most comprehensive in the eyes of international law - translator's note].

Under international law it is illegal to colonize the occupied lands, which makes all the Israeli settlements and the settlements is a clear violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention.

colonies to be legalized Israel views are those placed on "state land", which according to the study groups and reports by NGOs including Peace Now, are made from stolen land villages in the West Bank Palestinian communities and historically used for agriculture.

A 2006 report by Peace Now, more than 50% of the land on which settlements have been built have been retroactively declared state land. The zones in the occupied West Bank are often reported state land if they are not formally registered as private property, or if it is not cultivated for three years. Under Ottoman rule, it can be declared state land. [The Israeli hypocrisy knows no bounds, because the settlement policy operates as if both Ottoman law, British or Israeli - translator's note]

Under the British mandate a process of land registration had begun and s 'was continued in the West Bank under Jordanian rule. But he was stopped on orders from Israel when its army occupied the West Bank 1967.

1st March 2011 - Ma'an News - You can read this article:
http://www.maannews.net/eng/ViewDet ...
Translation: Information Palestine.net

post URL: http://www.info-palestine.net/article.php3?id_article=10247

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In terms of the Police in Tunisia

Published on February 26, 2011 Site nawaat.org
By Mehdi M'ribah,

few days ago, a friend told me: "Ben I miss him already ... Who am I insulting now? Who will I want? It is a bit more patient, do not it dies. ... And then su 'is what we do not care! "This is actually not the character of Ben Ali himself who bother us directly, but rather the establishment and entrenchment of the rotten system introduced by the latter. The ousted president and his former ministers gave the impression of living on another planet. They saw the streets than in staged well orchestrated by our legendary party-state. "And shot the proper way by our national TUNIS7 bbc. These people we paid to clap and chant the name of Ben Ali to irritate their vocal cords, what will they live now? Is that one day we will have a detailed, transparent and comprehensive actions on the RCD? Wants it or I should say, can you really break all ties with that damned party? The strength of this first example in modern system of oppression, is undoubtedly the police and everything revolves around this institution in Tunisia.

" The entire nebula safe to Ben Ali (custody and presidential security, intelligence services, police, including claims Ninjas) had around 150,000 men. On top of this pyramid, transformed into a sort of private militia, the Presidential Guard meets approximately 5000 men. Handpicked, selected by competition among security services and highly trained, these men have great material and sophisticated weapons. At the head of this elite force, General Ali Seriate securocrats regime. "According to Young Africa.

We had a great time in the history of the contemporary world. What we have accomplished, we Tunisians, is a feat in all respects. Some had not thought at the beginning, despite all the excitement that this movement had generated. These people, I understand and I give them because (as we all had Ben Ali, if understood!). Indeed, the police had control over the population, control excessive and inhumane methods made it simply impossible such a popular backlash. This is precisely lies the beauty of this revolution: the thirst for freedom and democracy was right foundations of the dictatorship in Tunisia: Police in all its forms, motivated by biftons and recognition of the infamous RCD .

Police in Tunisia is more a source of fear than security. They are always there, anytime, anywhere, by number, in any form. In uniform or not, mobile, fixed, feet, roughly 4 * 4, disguised men, women, young, old, blue, green ... They are of all sorts and all tastes! Despite their strong presence, they are more a source of anxiety and fear than a real barrier to crimes.

They are aware of the power given to them, which greatly complicates the matter, they become even more eager to gain easy and often develop in planes dangerous scheming against a backdrop of corruption and abuse of power: the raffle of traffic police, which was mandatory to buy a "fake" ticket without interest, to prevent the police stick a PV, the stubbornness of brigades car scare pedestrians stopping them without cause and asking lots of personal questions and even worse, these officers of charges that stick to honest people by dragging pieces of cannabis resin in their pockets when they come from being arrested (possession / consumption of cannabis in Tunisia is equivalent to one year in jail with a big fine) ... We see very clearly that certain laws are so direct that body rotten in our system.

" But I'll finally get to experience more serious than all that, as experienced by a young volunteer, the son of one of the doctors with us, participating in medical assistance on site: after our dispersal by gas This young man Md BS 19? hid-paralyzed by fear-place under a blanket where we had collected the drugs near the Ministry of Finance on the spot. Once the empty place, he saw a "Stafette" write on it with black = CHORT police in Arabic, 4 men in civilian clothes got out, they went where we were, and started searching food and blankets stored pell-mell, then they released a bag and took out small packets of rolling papers and bags of cannabis-type drugs, they were scattered in these clusters of cases ... and then they cried, turning toward the square from the balcony, where are the journalists who protect these people? where are the journalists? Come see what they do! Then they left ... "According Nawaat.org

Everything That may be hard to these militias Ben Ali, who, after the flight of our humble president, began to loot, kill, pillage the country in order to create chaos: These beings are so vile to be ashamed ... they had no dignity, more honor to defend (as if they had before!). They had nothing to lose.

Since the departure of Ben Ali, we tend to confuse between militiamen and police rotten. To me, they have at least one thing in common: They have neither honor nor dignity.

the most senior member in the hierarchy of that institution in Tunisia to the simple traffic officer, Everyone acts according to the law of the jungle, these people have come up to shoot live ammunition at citizens of poor equipped only with faith, hope and desire for change, it saves any comments ... This

institution in Tunisia does not represent values upheld by the police around the world. The majority of our policemen are poorly maintained and pot-bellied. Besides, I had a game with some friends we indulged in Tunis in Search of muscular! Nobody has ever won this game ...

They talk often with crude language and swear words and other insults burst forth when dealing with them. The uniform would give them superhuman powers, they acted according to their mood (never heard that phrase in a car in Tunisia, where a police officer approached the stopped vehicle? "M ***, I hope his wife has not asked for money this morning! "

The violence with which these people are involved, is indescribable. I can not find words strong enough to express the brutality of these people. I remember the El Menzah stadium, a few years ago, a police flatly cleaned the hooves of his horse on the back of a friend because he could not get into the queue and this in an ordinary context of a small Tunisian championship game of football.

I agree when I say that the majority of security officers of the state live in a state of extreme insecurity, and they found themselves obliged to conform to the model of

dictatorship, but this does nothing in their barbaric practices, their inhumanity, cruelty and lack of compassion especially towards their own, those who were starving, those who had bad legs and could no longer walk straight (whereas "Capo" of our mafia car rolled in gold.)

Our police system was developed and strengthened during these 23 years of "serenity" and "calm" and "happiness" under the Ben Ali era . The police has really emerged as the weapon the more pragmatic and more effective dictatorship. Their ramifications are incalculable, their actions remain secret and their methods, known to all, beyond the limits of the understanding (inquiries random, gratuitous violence, extreme torture, false accusations ...), the law protected them. They are recruited with every wind and enjoy several benefits. An infinite number of agents disguised works every day in cafes, popular markets, universities, football stadiums and so on ... This is their livelihood. Denounce fellow citizens, write subjective reports, or simply beaten and then arrested the most "restless" were their daily activities. While visiting my country last week, relatives have confirmed everything that was said about the unorthodox practices of our police. Supporting evidence, they showed me by example that there were records Full report (found in police ransacked) for each coffee, including a full description of people who attend them, their topics of conversation, their consumption and even the pages of the newspaper on which they linger the most! I would not have never believed it if I had not seen it with my own eyes. Everyone is stuck, we know everything about everyone. Personal information concerning civilians are noted in reports devoid of common sense, or of scientific objectivity. Rapporteurs or "sabbeba" brought all this information to the police.

Everyone was aware each of us knew he had to be wary of these fanatics. This business has evolved during the reign of Ben Ali's departure, the information was reported wildly, orally, in a rush, now they are transcribed in formal reports. It has risen from some coins traded directly against a small salary information in good and due form.

Through all these practices, the deposed regime has managed to create one of the worst social climates. Each took his precautions, everyone was in fear, we could not help noticing our neighbor. And when we opened a local newspaper or when

watched television channels Tunisia, we clubbed with slogans such as "it is good to live in Tunisia! Zine hat, you transformed Happy Mediterranean eternal paranoid!

culture of bribe:

Those in power have used fraudulent methods, corruption was the key word. The result is logical, the thugs are allowed so overflows inconceivable in a modern and contemporary society, a statement of rights.

By car, each offense is negotiable. The police never stop Never big brand cars, they blame the average citizen, he always had to budget "dirty cop" was next to that of petrol and repairs.

Identity checks have become a habit. Some controls were designed a cigarette or ten minutes of pointless conversation because "Mr." agent bored. There is not a neighborhood, a turning point, a crossroads with no police. It's 23 years of "Big Brothers" we just experienced. I greet every Tunisian for this feat. That impresses me more than the revolution itself. This revolt of people would burst at one time or another.

More than two decades of terror orchestrated by the police regime of Ben Ali, who was spinning chains, threats, imprisonment, torture and accusations have left lasting traces on the Tunisians, much of which is called "ground psychologically." The fall of Ben Ali has fostered the emergence of "a multitude of cases of nervous depression, psychological disorders and anxiety symptoms," says a psychiatrist told AFP Tunisia, Dr Noureddine Habib.

" We are witnessing," he said, the emergence of a PTSD office, it is not only very major anxiety disorders, but also compensation depressed during this period of latency . "Next range of symptoms that can range from simple anxiety of delusional episodes or phobias, anti-depressants are relayed by psychotherapy ," he says. According to AFP.

And it continues ...:

" While calm had returned two days in Tunis, the Tunisian police brutally dispersed, Monday, January 31 afternoon with batons and tear gas a few dozen young people gathered in the center of the capital, near the Interior Ministry. "according to the AFP monde.fr

Brutally ... They do not know another way to act, they were, and apparently is still allowed. The worst is that some actions of the police since January 14 this takes place outside the sphere of the Ministry of Interior and the first minister.

The cops who brutally attacked the interior ministry "just to protest" alone confirm what has been says in this article. The attack was to assassinate senior members of the department. Many civilians, many innocent people, who had the misfortune to pass that day (January 31) have taken severe beatings and arbitrary. They represented the collateral damage.

We Tunisians, we are not accustomed to events in general, therefore, our officers do not know to react appropriately deal with groups of people, also not experienced in such events. We should therefore find a way to educate security officers and inform them in relation to other ways of acting. It then extends to all actions they must perform every day: the road checks, arrests, surveillance of streets and neighborhoods through such mobile units.

From there, he should give importance to "disinfection" and purification of all the Tunisian police. Training but also change attitudes and bring to the fore. The change in attitude towards certain subjects or themes is now fully and effectively in Europe and the USA (the largest operation in the U.S. based war aimed at assessing the intestines and even the remains of animals thrown in the trash)

I think desecrating the urgency status assigned to government officials and other dignitaries. We must stop the "overprotective." Indeed, by the way, every day in the street with a long line of luxury cars and impressive police brigades, the processions of fear, as I like to call them, accentuate the feelings of

unease among citizens and automatically switches to criminals, people who did not trust the government. When I think ministers Sweden go to work by bus ... There is a way to go.

post URL: http://nawaat.org/portail/2011/02/26/de-ce-qui-est-de-la-police-en-tunisie/