Monday, January 31, 2011

How To Jump Start Positive Ground.

shit end of the weekend!

This is not exactly a "Back to the weekend " ex Chronic Saturday-Sunday, marked a serious tasteful on this blog (seriousness that prevails here on every occasion, for that matter), but the Census unearthed some crap on the net , not necessarily elsewhere this weekend, which should allow you to begin new week under a bad mood Monday as usual.

Well then, what we put in the tooth ?
But true! All
This makes a little bit of everything else!

As such, gentleman who decided not to travel with his lawful wife, but who still do not really wrong. Because traveling with a doll (not inflatable, not a doll of 40 kg).
Well, disturbed?
Definitely a very original, but nicely what! Finally, it said, will offer up a parachute jump with a doll, it's strange ... and spend 1400 euro lingerie is a bit weird!
Ok, anyway we will dedicate this !

Ah! Another thing, also pretty huge. A car is sending itself to lost, there is still hope of finding her, even several years after she disappeared. Here, see an example of what Mr. .
Good, liquid?
Alas for Mr Sanctuary (his name is, absolutely), I'm afraid so! And he did not the excuse of a possible appearance before a judge to simulate (if any) gagates . And bravo to the car park which sits on 10,000 euros of lost revenue! Recipes whose car Mr Sanctuary was the refuge, the church, the reservation ... In a word, the sanctuary! Good

of this, the disease is not funny (which I admit is a maxim of a high level of thinking akin to that of the philosopher's words: "Dying is not easy" ) . And sometimes, disease that you ruin the organizations most oiled. Here, read this poo-impact of disasters History Education replacements in the small village of Montsalès .
Well, boring?
Oh yes! Unquestionably. And so we dedicate to teachers, students and their parents, a little edgy, this .

Come on, you end on this statistic that failing to prove the success of the law Hadopi , strengthen those who defend (the law, not statistics, follow ... oh damn!) ...
In 15-39 years, 56% of men against 42% of women surveyed say they illegally download: women are they more legalistic ... or more hypocritical?
And no distinction between Paris and the provinces! Oh damn, even in the Yonne? It might be to download Herve Vilard then! Or movies on Emile Louis, the second local hero, after the immortal creator Capri it's over, and We Come!
And these practices do not vary with the social environment! Devil even among the rich! Like what, it may not have that much to do with the price of hard .... Oops, I'll start to get serious here. It has been said
crap end of weekend! No review this week, dammit! Go to dedicate remote chargers this ! Good going

atchao todos! A more

Thierry RYS

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Dark Skin In Pubic Area

WCOTBT - Season 3 Step 5 - Mid-Course!

Hi Séverine ! If you reappear on my blog is that it's time World Contest of the Blind Test .

And yes, already the halfway point of this marathon of music and imagery, as happens today the FIFTH THIRD stage of the season WCOTBT !

So now that we've played 4 times, I think everybody knows we're playing for Three classes, the general , one on the " sound" and that, devilishly played yet on the " images.

For indeed, the events are divided between " Sons" and "Images . And this, as follows:

For the "Sons" ':

- a classic blind test "pop rock" with 6 extracts, and as usual, two points per sample ( one for the song, for the group or artist), so for a total of TWELVE (12) points;
- two "dung" to recognize, with the same number of stitches for the "pop-rock ," what makes us so FOUR (4) points to be taken;
- extract cinema: listen to a short dialogue on the basis which, it should be recognized that the film is extracted. Easy, in my opinion and still THREE (3) points to make. Let
for testing "sounds", a total of NINETEEN (19) points.

And for the "Images"

- test " Eyes Without a Face " , where you have to recognize two (2) characters famous male or female actors or actresses, rockers or rockers, sports, sports, male or female politicians, or etc. etc.. THREE (3) points for each correct answer, or a total of SIX (6);
- and finally, test " pocket " where a small piece cut from a wallet, you revert to recognize the album in question, and the group or artist who has committed a total of FIVE (5) points. Let

for the tests " images " ELEVEN (11) points to retrieve.

And overall, THIRTY (30) points per month!

Ah, month after month, I repeat, I repeat myself ...
Okay, so it's good!?
So Let's Go!

--------------------------------------------- ------

WCOTBT Season 3 - Step Five: Who will be champion fall?

- the blind test 6 tracks " pop rock " to listen and / or download here: poprock-January

(then: and one, some will be satisfied because there are just over words than usual, but beware, I just said a little , and two: you should realize, even without finding the 6 tracks immediately, that there is like a red thread in this blind test, which can then help you to find titles that you may fail - the red wire is only used it for that matter, will not bring it out of bonus point Extra -)

- the dung No. 9 : same in this place: dung 09 ;

- the dung No. 10: So go there: dung 10 ;

(Now that I know in advance that there was grumbling, saying it's not dung, good, well I replied that I do what I want!)

- the short clip of a movie to recognize is this: Cinéma05 (may be a little harder than usual)

- Eyes Without a Face: Eyes

number 9

number 10 Eyes:

and, last but not least an extract from the pocket Number Five (5!) :

------- --------------------------------------------------

------- Your turn now!
You, as usual., FIFTEEN (15) days to send your response by mail at the usual address, either:

Which brings us until Saturday February 12 MIDNIGHT to play !

And now, good luck, amigos-gas!

PS: of course not "Triolet for the past week," this Saturday, but there are some crap unearthed in the news that we will launch on Monday morning. And next Saturday, we will resume the (good?) Habits.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Prep H To Shrink Wasit Size

It's Thursday and it is not ravioli (# 073)

Hello amigos-gas (y todos los otros-tras).

A number a bit special " It's Thursday and I have my hair curlers " today, because in no case we will talk about the past. On the contrary, that people live well, embarking on the boards for a put a purifying fire, and who abuse their instruments with relish, which we will talk today!

a place, date, time : triangle whose barycenter will converge this whole wave of French neo rockabilly, wave alive, fit and full of will to fight.

Place: La Boule Noire room, pleasant human scale and located on the boulevards, not far from Pigalle, just off La Cigale .

Date: Friday, January 28 : that is to say, yes you read well: tomorrow!

Time: from 19:30 !

After true success, as popular as the first music festival Rockers Kulture (late June of last year) that accompanied the first compilation of the same name, it was more logical that Tony Marlow and his band are setting up a successor.

Regarding the compilation " Rockers Kulture - The French Rockabilly Scene Volume 2" is done past few weeks. You can obtain this essential subject in all good shops, and even if you want to be completely sure of your shot, the record store, associated with the label when it is published, Paradise Rock (Rue Duranton in 15th).
And as for the festival as well and you follow it carefully, you understand that it is tomorrow at La Boule Noire , and at 19:30 it's happening.

varied program that will pass before our eyes and the pleasure of our ears and our entire nervous system (because nothing beats a shot of rock'n'roll to recover the head in place), in order: The

Spunyboys , very young group of guys, created in 2006 which you can see a video here (and yes a bass singer, is not so common);

The Hot Chickens , who come from a region that has always been very faithful to vintage rock, Nord-Pas-de-Calais and hop a video for them too (oh look, another bassist who sings)

Hot Rhythm & Booze , sound more garage (which is not displeasing to us) which can also watch a video capture live , as they say (ah, well, there is the guitar player who sings, anyway);

Jim and The Beans , rockabilly, where we love the bearded and officiates as the drummer Ghost Highway (which is a remarkable type, I know, I interviewed Ghost Highway )

Jim and The Beans

Be Bop Creek, poured into the honky tonk and country as in the rock'n'roll here in a revival of the classic dark Have Myself A Ball ;

Cattle Call, who practices a hillbilly contry of the most gratifying, and I expect that much personally (based in any case what I have heard of them on their Myspace ).

Cattle Call

Nico and the Rhythm Dudes that could give us another great moment with a calibration more black and blues (note that Thibaut Chopin found on the first compilation Rockers Kulture under the name Bo T, recorded with Nico Duportal , which means everything, right?).
Take a look:

The Alumni Big Beat, Rock Jezebel , very influenced by both Buddy Holly and Ventures, as evidenced by this " Video ", a return which in any case I'm really happy for me;

The Megatons , whose white rock inspired surf again (but rather that of Dick Dale ) should shake foundations of La Boule Noire : keep watching!

And to close, the revelation of last year, Easy Lazy C And His Slippers Silvers, who have nothing, either, against the idea of spunk in a little garage rock and who, somehow repeat since they provided the first evening already Rockers Kulture :

Belle brochette, beautiful plateau, right?
How? I forgotten anyone?
Hmm ... Yes, of course Tony Marlow also play. But is it absolutely necessary to present it? Frankly ?!
Ah ... it is rumored that could be accompanied on stage by some Graziella ... But, hey, I am saying that, I say nothing, eh.

Well, now, amigos y otros-gas-tras.
Me, tomorrow Friday, I'll be at La Boule Noire . From 19.30. So try to make you jump too (ok, Marseille, Toulouse, Bayonne and is exempt because it gives them a little too far ... others, nada!)
Go, atchao

PS of importance both to speak rockabilly French (and of course the festival), I'm also on Interlining . A Manifesto
Rockabilly into two parts.
The first was put online yesterday: you can already read .
suite: it is for today ( and here is the link to go read ).

PS also significant: while Saturday will not fall on a 28 but a 29 is actually Saturday that the fifth stage WCOTBT will be online.

That ... Well, now I am silent.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Free Moccasins Boot Pattern

Triolet for the past week (# 16)

Back on five days between Monday and Friday.
The major event of this quinquéjours (that name is cute, no?) Has evidently taken place Tuesday with the online results of the butchery that was the fourth stop WCOTBT . But, hey, we will not abuse the good things, is not it.

So what would there be chosen from those five days?
We retain a word that would do well the word of the week, we note an unusual completely stupid that I like and a photo of the week that accompanies what could be the phrase of the week . Let's go


The word of the week: is plagiarism (illegal or copillage the neighbor who will not, on the Poor)

Two cases for the price of one. Each involving two superstars in their field. And one as the other, may have as a primary defect last a little too long, clinging to their sinecures as mussels to rocks.

PPDA is the first of the two. There was already the case Hemingway. It certainly was not brilliant, but alas, the link I have demonstrated how they are put to use to copillages Negroes or others as plagiarism. The difference being, however, that if Loana or Zinedine Zidane out a biography, just listen to them talk to convince himself that in no case did they have written. Very different is the case of our bald upset, who prides himself on literature and prides itself on being an author, novelist. Good or bad, I know fuck nothing, having read anything by him (or his negro ...). When in fact ...
Since this case, that the former star of the ever-present 20 hours was again accused of copying in the back of the neighbor. And this by his ex girlfriend. Put. Search Women ... Decidedly frames do not change, thrillers from the '40s to today. From Molière to PPDA (ahem unseemly parallel to the resident of the French Comedy - a thousand apologies Jean-Baptiste, one kiss of course). Good the outraged lady called Agathe Borne, and considers that the PPDA has exceeded Lerg (... terminals, ouaaarf, what am funny sometimes).
true, partially true ... ? I a hang. The multitude of trails by PPDA pans for years, fake exclusive interview with Castro accusations of plagiarism in writing, should, in any republic Non banana enough to keep it permanently away from TV shows, and radio studios. But it will not, for he too has its issues, through which it holds those brothers by the goatee.

Do not get excited for it would be right to tell me. After all, who does it harm? It does not kill anyone.
Well, amigos-gas: it also hurt by misleading its readers about the good (but it happens again), especially c''st this self-promotional media space and it flies well with the real novelists who for Most have something to say, know how to write and have never provided a voice and sell, it is mechanical, a few hundred when the book featured in Multi peddle hundreds of thousands.
Thereupon, the accomplices are everywhere.

JH is the second. JH said yellow to idea!
Although in his case ... At least he does not claim it to anything other than being an interpreter in which the latter authors dated and fashion come to sell lyrics and music. The winner's latest album is M, the son Chedid. The question is then: M he broke the song from a band called Ziskakan , named Madagascar ? (Zis. .. is the name of the group I qi well any follow ...). The pros and cons are on this section of . Get your opinion.

But it is nevertheless clear that, although I have no desire to defend what turned yellow in today's world of pop rock and even the variety, plagiarism, rehash, borrowing , diversion, adaptation ... have always been an engine of creation. Nankai Phelge could tell you more than I do about it.
After the critical mobilization undue hours of radio that would have been better used to promote some junior talent or brilliant old horses still in galley back, this criticism does not differ from that which covers theft of the plates by PPDA.

The unusual this week: is stupid enough to make me giggle!

And I burst out laughing while reading such an unfortunate mishap occurred Constable, it is true a little con-con.
Being drunk, my faith, it can happen to everyone. Follow a girl in the same street, wiping his refusal, it is possible. Especially for a policeman, known since Brassens that by nature he is nerd. But
reach meat is flat when one decides to follow him to fondle another woman, who is accompanied by more ... Then there is a sacred cumulation. The lady in question also had left his apartment open. I guess if it was customary because more than one of his friends had already put on guard against intruders, robbers, rapists, who knows what else ... But against the police, I bet no one would have thought. Even a drunk policeman, no one would have thought. Even a sleeping policeman ...

And it ends with the image of the week: where once will not hurt Sarkozy is funny.

The image in question is this:

Who speaks there? Why is it that grimace? Her hands, which seem to position themselves in an attitude of defense man they are already apologizing for the crap he has said, or will he say? He still has a one side Jean Lefebvre (not! Not Fred!), In this picture, right?

must say that even if the photo has no connection can be, is drawn from the article where it tells us the last slip of the President, confusing Alsace and Germany . If the photo is relevant to the sentence, then maybe going to understand you better head to look sullen peasant inbred stupidly disguised behind, and who seems ready to release a good " Casse-toi, "Poor fool, if you're not able to eul'différence between an Alsatian and a Boche! "
In any case, I do not know why Sarko was a slip of the tongue, but it is true that when we see the inspired air tourlourous both in local costume, and deep down the crane of a large cauliflower leaves (unless this is a hat made of ears of elephant), we suddenly feel like cross the border quiter Alsace and into Germany.

Realizing his slip, the President said " is where you see I have reason to get involved in the construction of dependency ... . Yes. It's fun. Finally, I find that it does not lack about.
Oh! Listen! For once he makes me smile, I will not deprive myself ...


Come on, now, that's all!
Tonight, if you're in Paris, Vienda fuels : there is Tai-Luc which will push the song, just with his guitar and ex Wunderbach Manu (also on guitar). I'll be there. And also begin to book your Friday evening for the second edition of Rocker's e Kultur at La Boule Noire, with the cream of rockab 'French (we'll talk).

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Davids Bridal 99 Sale

It's Thursday and it is not ravioli (# 072)

Hello amigos y otros-gas-tras!

Already seventy-second issue of " It's Thursday, you turned round in Italy ! Already! The immensity of the task that is behind me m'affole! The amount of expert knowledge on rock'n'roll and its derivatives and pioneering ancestors, and I passed all my readers amazes me numb and eternally grateful! I m'esbaubis all alone with this mountain of rock and roll and I bequeath to the world! Back and watch and measure the accumulation of crop sown and I get drunk ...
And to think that I still write 28 issues, I'm drunk!
(No I'm kidding ... especially since I have the material).

And if we talk about revival for once!? And if we leave the territory for years 40 and 50 where "It's Thursday ... " confined mostly one or two exceptions. Yes revival. No one who is slowly trying to conquer Europe, this I have already said a few words and will return shortly. But whoever came in the late 70's and found with the Stray Cats its iconic figurehead behind which a group of divers groups tried with varying success to trace its path. But before the American cats, there were groups from all eternity in England, determined not to allow the flame Teddy Boy that burned very-50s to mid sixties, flame who met another, that we called Mod, with some collateral damage on the beaches of Brighton in 1964.

In this family of men displaying favorites that have not disowned the citizens of the 3rd Republic nascent Pompadours men in record-breaking length and defying all laws of gravity, and vintage tattoo covered their forearms, with Edwardian clothes that announced the Glitter, Cavan Grogan was the undisputed master. With his Rhythm Rockers and nicknamed Crazy , he kept the fire of his inimitable voice, rich and serious, with the accent of his native country of Wales. Definitely a fan

of hillbilly boogie, recorded for this in the white version of rockabilly, a clear reference to the culture Teddy Boy (born in England before the advent of rock'n'roll), Crazy Cavan had Obviously this slight sulfur scent that clung to the Creepers Teds. Yet if ever there was one that does not mix folklore and bullshit, and internationalizing the movement that made him lose his Britishness had heavier to win that all cultures could bring her vintage rock'n'roll, it is Cavan Grogan.

The man must have more than 65 years. He continues with his gang to skim each scene would be pleased with him. He obviously has a website (one can be nostalgic for the original rock & roll while in his time).
Doubtless he knows: he is for quite some time entered the ground floor (and in his lifetime) in the history of modern music of Great Britain (the equal of Paul Weller or a Ray Davies , mentors other British rock subcultures), it will have its place in the pantheon of world vintage rockers. Even if it's a modest place in the history of rock'n'roll, he will because he will have earned it.

Crazy Cavan & The Rhythm Rockers - She's The One to Blame (1975).

Go, amigos-gas, more!
Oh, and as I hold you, as already started to do promo for the second edition of the Festival Rocker's Kultur be held on Friday, January 28 at La Boule Noire . Second shot of what France produced best in rockab '. Come take a look and put an ear.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Can I Take Creatine Monhydrate With Superpump 250

WCOTBT - Season 3 Step 4 - Soluces Results and

And're back Severine the Young blindfolded woman who announced today that the ticket will deal WCOTBT . Like, two weeks ago, Séverine put online the 4th stage of the game, it is logical that an unstoppable two weeks later, she tape her eyes to offer you the walkthroughs and results.

After a nice start at the stage in November, we thought the scores would be sustained on the upside, ah! but did not count on the suffering you inflict my images. And so, back to a pretty terrible ordeal, in which take the average of 15 points has already been an excellent result.

Frankly, I would not thought it was so hard (except for Eyes No. 8, which were a real trap). But if the sounds you were in the normal average, it was not the same images that have resulted in a real slaughter. So in total, with 13.29 medium, it is not great (it is the lowest score of the first 4 events), but we must recognize that the average of 2.29 on the images you flatly sealed.

And again, thank you and congratulations to everyone who came to play , including those (yes, especially at the bottom and they themselves) who are recovering from a dozen points.
As I mentioned last month, treat yourself, it's the only thing that counts. And as there are still six steps until June ... A lot can still move in the three rankings.

You were 17 to play this month (and we welcome a new competitor and a former used also). My thanks to the usual laggards who are not less (normal, of course ...), through which the suspense is over until I finish at times that have no name, count my points ^ ^ (I'm kidding when they say you have until midnight, then you have until midnight ... good, but do not overdo it, anyway)!

balance of the fourth exercise: Stéphane Foulon Mus comes on strong and pulled out a gap in general. Meanwhile, Ronnie Ocean, still angry with the visuals, is positioned perfectly on the "sound", while for the "images" is great together!

And Now The Soluces!

(in each case, in parentheses, the mean score on 2, 3 or 5 possible points)


1 - The pop-rock:

Nick Cave - Into My Arms (1.24);
Miossec - Hi Lovers (cover of Joe Dassin) (1.35);
Johnny Cash - Orange Blossom Special (1.29);
Bauhaus - The Passion of Lovers (0.82);
The Cardigans - My Favorite Game (1.65);
Avi Buffalo - Remember Last Nite (0.12).

Yes, I know it's super dog from me to Avi Buffalo in a blind test, so it's a sharp and especially mega nothing new. I know. Anyway, I also put Cardigans , which I knew you would not take a jacket (ouaarff). And then there was sort of bonus for those who bothered to type my 3 Tickets (false) report of 2010 which Orange Blossom and Avi Buffalo were cited. Hey, hey ...

2 - dung: the heavy did I tell you!

dung 7: Jean-Jacques (bread on the balcony-con-con) Goldman - The Life by Proxy (1.35);

dung 8: Grand Corps (and also the brain) Sick - Travels by Train (1.06).

And no, you do not cut it:

Terrifying, is not it?!

Yes, yes, it's almost worse ...

3 - The Movie:

Didier (2.12 out of 3 possible points) and I had even helped by explaining that I was not dog on this one ...

Bon total, sounds, an average of 11.00 points out of 19 possible.


1 - Eyes Without a Face: go, the original photos (story to make you moan and you bitch ...! !!!). This time scores in brackets are about 3 possible.

Eyes 1:

So let us, clear to one of you (who found the remains of two pairs of eyes) asked me what connection there was with the Zique (and where others would pose a similar question): the answer is no! The eyes, it's just famous people (besides, De Gaulle, two months ago, also had a fairly distant relative with rock or pop). So
: Faye Dunaway (1.31).

Eyes 2:

The perfect trap. Mitterrand, a man known if any, but that was when he was young ... At the time when it is said, he paved with a Marshal who finished his career in water bead on the island of Yeu.
Mitterrand therefore (0.19) ... Oh, yeah, a trap right now it hurts ....

2 - Package: Here I am frankly very surprised because this is one of the most famous drives (I have not said one of the best) in the history rock. And you've struggled up above ... Curious!

And yes Machine Head Deep Purple of (0.94 out of 5 possible points). Next month, again a cover of the famous story of pop and rock. But less than one. And therefore, I conclude that you had better ....

Good overall, for images, an average of 2.29 points out of 11 possible
(a butcher I tell you!) .

--------------------------------------------- ---

RANKINGS the Stage:

In general:

1) Stéphane Foulon Mus: 25 points;
2) Ronnie and Ocean Arbobo: 18 points;
4) the Pyrox Hargneu and Diane Cairn: 15 points;
6) JP Next: 14 points;
7) Guic 'The Old, Jerome G., and Daniel Oeuréka Next: 13 points;
11) The Buze, El Klak and Sandrine Thebaut: 12 points;
14) Sonic Eric: 11 points;
15) Stone: 10 points;
16) and Fabrice Guillet Dragibus: 6 points;

Bravo to all, the key is to play .

The "Sons"
Pop-Rock + dung + Cinema:

1) Ronnie Ocean: 18 points (cardboard almost full again! But again as a vacuum carton good images ..

2) Stephane Foulon Mus: 17 points;

3) Pyrox Hargneu the Cairn and Diane: 15 points;

5) Guic 'The Old and Jerome G. 13 points ...


"Images" Eyes Without a Face + Cover:

1) Oeuréka and Stephane Foulon Mus: 8 points;
3) Arbobo: 6 points;
4) El Klak: 5 points;
5) Stone Daniel of Next, Next and JP Sonic Eric: 3 points
and others .... ahem ... looking! Fanny at the bar!.

Rankings - Accumulated after FOUR (4) steps:

In general:

1) Stéphane Foulon Mus: 101 points;
2) Guic 'The Old and Arbobo : 79 points;
4) Ronnie Ocean: 72 points;
5) JP Next: 69.5 points;
6) Sonic Eric: 64 points;
7) Jerome G. : 60 points;
8) Dragibus: 55 points;
9) El Klak: 54 points;
10) coolbeans: 51 points;
11) Daniel Next: 50.5 points;
12) Diane Cairns: 50 points;
13) The Buze: 42 points;
14) Pyrox the Hargneu: 34 points;
15) Stone: 31 points;
16) Stephane Ska: 26 points;
17) Regus PatOff: 25
18) Yosemite and Fabrice Guillet: 19 points;
20) JOHNFORD (aka Peter) and Jen: 17 points
22) Oeuréka and Thanu: 13 points;
24) Sandrine Thébaut: 12 points;
25) Boebis: 9 points;
26) Lawrence Mouetron: 7 points.

The "Sounds": Pop-Rock + dung + Cinema:

1) Ronnie Ocean: 67 points;
2) Stephane Foulon Mus: 66 points;
3) Arbobo: 55 points;
4) Guic ' The Old: 54 points;
5) Jerome G. : 46 points;
6) JP Next: 44 points;
7) Sonic Eric: 41 points;
8) Diane Cairns: 39 points;
9) Dragibus: 38 points;
10) and La coolbeans Buze: 34 points

"Images" Eyes Without a Face + Cover:

1) Stéphane Foulon Mus: 35 points;
2) JP Next: 25.5 points;
3) Guic 'The Old: 25 points;
4) El Klak and Arbobo: 24 points;
6) Sonic Eric: 23 points;
7) Daniel Next: 20.5 points;
etc. ...

So if it stopped today, the three winners would Stéphane Foulon Mus overall, Ronnie Ocean sounds, and now JP Next visuals. But then the differences especially for "pictures" are such weaklings as many say that nothing is done, even SMF (yes it's shorter to write) and Ronnie took a step ahead, one in Generally, the other for " sounds.

Good, Well it was already the fourth step. Still Six (6) until the final to be held in June 2011.

The fifth step: It will give us the name of Autumn Champion, as they say in football! It takes good habits. It starts, therefore, Friday, January 28, and since it lasts 15 days, will close on February 11 at midnight!

Be There!

In addition, Thierry


Monday, January 17, 2011

Cures For Trapped Gas

Human rights in Côte d'Ivoire

CCFD Earth Solidarity condemns violations of human rights taking place in Coast Ivory

ACAT-France Joint Statement, CCFD Earth Solidarity, Catholic Relief

Friday, January 14, 2011 - Since the beginning of the post-election crisis in Côte d'Ivoire, more than 200 people died, including a number of fact summary executions. Hundreds of people were arbitrarily arrested, and are so far held incommunicado. How many are there for victims of torture? How many of those arrested are never reappear? "It becomes very difficult for defenders of human rights experts and human rights United Nations to investigate the field. The fear of exposing themselves to retaliation deters first, quasi-systematic blockages of their movement to prevent the latter do their job properly, "says Helene Barbier-Earth CCFD Solidarity. Most of these violations were committed on civilian populations in Abidjan, mainly in the district of Abobo.

Moreover, the situation of human rights in parts of the country, as the west and north is unknown because of difficult access impossible. In early January 2011, bloody clashes between communities Malinke and hardly have caused, Duekoue, the death of 34 people according to our information. There are over 20,000 refugees in Liberia, neighbor. "These grave violations of human rights contribute to strengthening inter-communal tensions and political risk being transformed into larger-scale conflict with consequences even more devastating for the Coast d'Ivoire and the subregion "said Marianne Le Gall Diongue Secours Catholique.

"Until now, the Ivorian authorities did nothing to stop the violations of human rights and to ensure that the perpetrators and those responsible for abuses accountable for their actions," said Clement Boursin , ACAT-France. Impunity is not new in Côte d'Ivoire. Since September 2002, the lack of judicial administration in the Central, North and West and the reign of impunity throughout the territory, constitute a major obstacle to national reconciliation and contributing to the current spiral of violence. However, Ivorian authorities on both sides have a duty to respect human rights and protect civilians. They are also responsible of the act of the security forces, which respond to their orders, and the effectiveness of labor courts.

To this end, our organizations strongly urge all parties to:

- take effective measures to stop violations of human rights and to respect the fundamental rights of all Ivorian citizens and foreigners living on the territory of Côte d'Ivoire;

- Take steps to put an end to hate speech, especially those transmitted supporters in the media, and restore law and freedom of information;

- ensure strict compliance by all armed forces of the standards derived from basic principles of the UN's use of force and use of firearms by those responsible for law enforcement;

- ensure that the activists' organizations Ivorian civil society, including advocates of human rights, can carry out their activities safely and in freedom of expression;

- find a peaceful solution to the conflict quickly, so that the country is not taken hostage. Our

associations strongly urge the judicial authorities to:

- Ensure that detainees have rights guaranteed by the Constitution, including the right for their families to know the places of their detention, the right to be brought before justice within the time prescribed by law and the right not to maltreat or torture;

- earnestly carry out independent investigations, exhaustive and impartial investigations into all allegations of violations of human rights recorded since the beginning of the post-election crisis in order to judge the authors and perpetrators and provide remedies victims.

There is still time to avoid chaos. Without justice and respect for human rights, Côte d'Ivoire will never know true peace.
I fully support this initiative and invites you to show your support Sr. Eliane

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Funny Halloween Tombstone Quotes

Schedule EU

Source: Letter from Christine
Boutin José Manuel Barroso (12/23/2010) The President

Paris, December 23, 2010
the attention of Mr José Manuel Barroso
President of the European Commission
Mr. President, As you
know, the European Commission has produced over three million copies of an agenda with the colors of the European Union for secondary schools. This agenda includes the mention of Jewish holidays, Hindu, Sikh and Muslim, but there is no Christian festival reported. Same page of Dec. 25 is empty ... How
such discrimination is possible?
My concern, my misunderstanding, and even my outrage is great.
The European Commission may claim it an oversight? But how can we unintentionally omitted to mention the feast of Christmas, celebrated throughout Europe by many people even non-Christian?
Really, I can not accept it.
On behalf of the truth, on behalf of recognition of what was and what I can not accept it. The role of Christianity in the formation of Europe is an undeniable historical fact, and it is absurd that a calendar produced by the European Commission does not mention any way. How is it possible to affirm that this agenda is a "wealth of information about the European Union", by removing any reference to Christianity? How can we claim educate youth on the European Union denying a religion that has contributed to its construction and its unity?
Then I can not accept, on behalf of a large part of the European population whose religion is Christianity. I refuse to be denied and forgotten what is so great importance in the lives of these people, core values and beliefs they share.
Finally, I can not accept, on behalf of millions of Christians persecuted and killed throughout the world because of their faith. How can Europe show a total ignorance vis-à-vis religion in whose name they suffer and die, vis-à-vis celebrations they can celebrate at the peril of their lives?
Hoping your support for a Europe that promotes dialogue among religions, and values the role and contribution of each in building a society of peace, prosperity and tolerance, I beg you Accept, Mr. President, my sincere and respectful greetings. Christine Boutin

Former Minister
In MM copy. John Dalli, Herman Von Rompuy Jerzy Buzek and Wilfried Martens
This religious discrimination is not tolerated, let's see how our show désacord Sr. Eliane

Rack For Can Am Renegade

Triolet for the past week (# 15)

Hello and good start to the weekend all of you (what amuses me is to think of one who will come by Sunday evening and will ask for a second if I drink in the morning ... then remember that blogs do not update itself).

Return of the tripod of the week, now world famous (especially in my office, between bed and TV) as the very name of La Rochelle "Triolet for the past week" . Which will deal with this time of sentence (s) of the week, back on event and, once will not hurt, of looking back on .


The phrase of the week: is to make the active (?) a multi-recidivist.

you would expect that I recall our good Lady des Deux Sevres, the blessed and very selfless Ségolène, formerly President of Chabichou, Poitou Charentes and combined. It's actually his full interview which would tend to appear in the pantheon of this modest ticket. Only extracts such as (speaking of Mitterrand) "I have never forgotten its commitments. Even when it was unpopular, I claimed". C'mon.
But we will retain, as everyone besides, his wonderful sentence where she claims the legacy of Uncle by that word: "For a long time, deep inside me, I want to succeed Francois Mitterrand. Yes, the legacy by capturing! Want
, madam, to succeed Francois Mitterrand. Excellent idea, my faith. Introduce yourself so the mayor of Chateau-Chinon !

It is a second sentence, which was in battle with Segolene to win the title phrase of the week. The here. Basically, beyond the story of that name should necessarily be a Christian ( Acacius hello, hello Aignan Aldegonde hello ... well what they are given names of saints, oh ), it is clear that the Pope and Pope Joan go well together.

return on event: has also staged the pope.

is also a sentence. It is still Pope . Who
reactionary politician he is, like all men of dogmas of the rest (I do not separate ulema base, not more than Stals median), knows how to make people doubt. Here in this case is that of Spain it is addressed. Yes that Spain has so separated from the Apostolic Church, Roman and obscurantist, she had held a carpet, red blood Republican from 1939 to 1975. This Spain, only the corpse of Franco cooled, flowed into the debauchery, marijuana and acceptance of sexual differences. In a word that began preferred life the culture of death all ensoutanés turbaned and the world.
got to stop, name him!

So stop to those pesky sex education classes and those devilish civics classes, which can only be the work of the devil! That in a few words what he had to tell you the Holy Father Ratzinger , you get lost in English think that life is worth living and be picked for what it's worth.

The sex education course, you understand, my two espingoins, it should be left in the hands of the clerics, who are well aware of what they speak. Just ask a few thousand Irish, Australians or Americans what they think! As for civic education, listen to me carefully band-Iberian Beres: the State should not meddle in the minds of these little beings are malleable as children, especially if it is their stuff in the skull of ideas as smokers than democracy. The only indoctrination that is worth the catechism taught at least there be the virgin was Jesus without sex ... And that you it has another face that learning patterns of elections to the Cortes! Seen?

Basically, it does absolutely not laugh. Very soon release anti Darwinists. They are probably already in press.

A prospective return on: when scientists are showing a different vision than the so-called mediums.

Well, actually it there, in an article , and as written: " the ideas he is seventy years by scientists, by general strike relevance.
Examples? That
estimated in 1931 that 80 years later in life expectancy could have extended more than 10 years and reach 70 years, which speculates that the most deadly diseases might be cancer, where mental disorders, or that one point finger the race towards hyper-personal knowledge of the field when all the common crops become inaccessible due to its size, many visions reasoned and intelligently developed which show that, if the path of the future is never sure, we can still guess the direction. And no need stars, lines of the hands of coffee or crystal balls.

However, we also note that responses were strongly impregnated with ethnocentrism quite fashionable in the early decades of last century. At no time, or chemists, sociologists do not really think in terms of overall risk and envisage that will weigh on the planet the huge imbalance between North and South in the possession and consumption of wealth.

And if today we asked the same question, it is likely that the responses of young children of these great minds of 1931 are treated equally by our present problems. Likely that the developments around the future demographic and ecological Earth would be central to the answers. So that, who knows, in 2091, these problems will not be over, leaving room for others, today we struggle to imagine.


Well come on everybody, good weekend.
The last, I remind you to send your answers to the 4th stage of WCOTBT!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Left Thigh Numbness After Accident

TOPIC: Philosopher's return to the origins of things

TOPIC: Philosopher's return to the origins of things
What do you think?
Note: setpoint that do ask that you review everything that is thinkable in a proposal, such as its theoretical meanings subjective and objective as possible, its presuppositions and foundations or theoretical material, its origins or context of its production, its impacts or consequences or intellectual practices in science or politics, or morality, etc.. Everyone thinks in terms of its sensitivity and each sensitivity is the intellectual or physical sensitivity determined by a collective history and personnelle.L key is to be logically and semantically edible even if what we say does not satisfy any hunger or thirst material.

Moved by Mr. Gnana Samba Guejopaal

philosophy is presented to us by Pythagoras as an activity that expresses a human life in a deep and sincere love for wisdom and truth and as a path, a method, so as to march towards the truth and wisdom which is theoretical as it is an expression of theoretical knowledge and rational living a certain way to behave in the world meet its various natural and social events. In this movement toward wisdom, if the body and senses are not removed, it is mainly the reason or the mind or the ability to distinguish between pure right and wrong which is essentially the engine, an engine with several schemes sometimes contradictory. But in one direction as in another, in one way or its opposite, for the first philosophers philosophers called traditional or metaphysical idealists generally, what is sought by the philosopher is an original state of the world's existence or thing, a state of purity in which the only thing that itself needs no relationship with something else and lives in isolation and independence. These philosophers who speculate on the world with the sole power to declare the reason indeed not to seek know things as they are beyond these material things what each of them is present here and now in their multiplicity and diversity as individuals isolated from each other, but what, that an individual is incomplete, imperfect a thing in general, in itself, in itself, something perfect, eternal, unique, that called essence or nature, which would contain all the features of individual cases and represent the historical and 'imitate in the real world and lives are the same primitive essence. It is without doubt this conception of philosophy that we want to express in terms of our subject: "philosophy is to return to origins."

Yet science is also an expression of love in humans to know the truth of the world. But contrary to the philosophy that we often said to be his mother or his grandmother, she does not begin to say with reason, that are or what that was or what should be a difference in a rational world abstract in reason or in the spirit of their architect. It begins with the facts as they emerge from things externally and objectively observable and experienced by a process of piecemeal analysis of individual cases and then extract a common denominator which would be a fairly common essence or nature or a relative of common would a multitude of isolated cases of diverse expression of the same reality as concrete and historical appearances are conditioned by several factors cyclical. Why the difference between the approach and the philosophy of science in general or what justifies the choice of the philosopher in the field's collective knowledge shared with other agents search for the truth? We hope to make a rational and legitimate response to this question.