Sunday, November 28, 2010

Muscles Used When Shot Putting



Saturday, November 27, 2010

Images Of Mild Chickenpox

Rene Descartes on the relationship between philosophy and science

Project: Introductory courses and strengthening for the Advancement of Excellence (CIRP)
Together unconstrained vicious build our personal and collective success: it is a duty towards himself, his fellows and to God and it is possible to accomplish it.
Matter: Philosophy
Subject: Methodology comment
Author: M. Samba Gnana
ABOUT No. III: Explain and discuss the following

One way of doing acceptable and at the same time partially rebuttable like many others of which we are still learning our excercer and choose without achieve perfect.

According to our understanding subjective and relative, in this excerpt is taken from the first of his Meditations , the author, the French philosopher Rene Descartes questioned the three-way relationship between sources of knowledge: the cultural and social environment, philosophy and science. The initial question which meets the text could be reformulated as: is it possible to base knowledge and particularly scientific knowledge Secure, which he could always get consistently solid truths that resist to various attacks that can pass a rational and practical building and if so under what conditions? It is therefore a reflection of an epistemological nature . The author's thesis is that science is conceivable and feasible provided that the author or its sponsors completely get rid of all their teachings and all of their previous convictions for starts over the counter in search of the truth of things supposedly knowable by man. In other words must first be a philosopher before becoming a scientist. can still repeat as : philosophy as put brackets failing to suppress all knowledge constituted, is the mother of all true science that begins with the The thesis of Descartes is So the next Means a perfect science or a science, so trustworthy that is born of a radical philosophical critique of all of our inheritance in the various places of our education. examination of the meaning and the theoretical and practical value of the thesis of Descartes go through the conceptual analysis of some fundamental concepts such as those of "firmness" and "perseverance" and purification or liberation of consciousness that sound in the word 'discard', but also the notion of truth which is the crucial issue of all knowledge. What the security and firmness of the science or what signs to recognize that science as a source of truth? Can we do away with all our cultural heritage in the field of knowledge in the field of religious beliefs or philosophical, in the areas affected, especially if we accept the thesis example of Freud or Spinoza who believe there is always foggy and chains in the conscience who believes he finally purified of any contingency? an empire or a particular taking of the thesis of historical materialism and dialectics of Karl Marx be wondering: what would be left of consciousness or the same reason and the notion of truth if we are robbed of our history? Can we think without previously formulated idea in the head by nature or by man?

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Penny Boat Lab Answers.

Let us not undermine the right of foreigners

Do Let's not undermine the right of foreigners
For the fifth time in seven years, the government wants to reform the regime of entry and expulsion of foreigners in France. This new change in law is another step in the weakening of men, women, children and families already severely shaken by the difficulties of exile.
Yet, they are human beings. Some are fleeing war or inhuman treatment to save their lives.
Others simply seek to improve their situation and that of their families. They long as we live together in peace, to find happiness at work, in France, their "host".
But the bill would spell the end of the aspirations of many and, hence, our hospitality and our humanity by reducing their rights to justice, family life and solidarity

If ignored, foreigners will no longer have the right to be heard!
Until then, the law called for control by the courts if they are detained exceeded two days before the expulsion. This safeguard, essential to address the arbitrariness of the administration, is delayed by this bill: and expulsions are possible only for five days on administrative decision.
Moreover, the judicial court will no longer sanction certain irregularities.

If ignored, the right of asylum will be hindered! This bill restricts the possibilities of access to the territory to seek asylum and place a larger number of potential applicants under unfavorable conditions for the examination of their application for protection.
And if they are unsuccessful and returned, he forbade them to return to the European Union for their lives.

If ignored, the right to family life will be limited! The spouses of French nationals or aliens lawfully, even with children in France sometimes without residency. The law may already disrupt their family life will toughen the conditions for their separation by rejecting any possibility of return. Indeed, any alien returned may be "banned" from the European Union
Jusqu'_à 5 years: we reject this double trouble!

If ignored, solidarity remain wrong!
By changing the law, the project would appease the critics said about the offense of "solidarity". By changing only marginally exemption for such an offense, the bill continues to help deter anyone, in good faith and over time, a stranger whom no one knows a priori if it is irregular administrative situation.

It is contradictory to maintain the principle of brotherhood in the currency of the Republic and to punish acts of solidarity motivated by solidarity and defense of the weakest, including foreign
in partnership with other members of society calendar, our organizations, movements, associations and Christians refuse service that measures more restrictive or arbitrary propel thousands of men and women in poverty and despair. We therefore consider it necessary to raise awareness, call for vigilance and information on this bill that contains provisions very disturbing.

We commit ourselves to act so that the figure of the foreigner does not become a scapegoat in France and Europe. Postscript: Call
Christian organizations: Initiators: ACAT-France (Action by Christians for the Abolition of Torture), CCFD - Earth solidarity
FEP (Federation of Mutual Aid Protestant), Cimade (Service Ecumenical Mutual), Secours Catholique / CARITAS France, with the contribution of
SNPM (National Service for Pastoral Care of Migrants)
Auttres signatories National: ACE (Catholic Action for Children), COA (Workers' Catholic Action), Apostleship of Prayer,
Cities Association of Catholic Relief Association Espoir National Catholic Chaplaincy Gypsies and Travellers, CASP (Centre for Social Action
Protestant), CERAS (Centre for Research and Social Action), Christians and AIDS Community Mission de France, Christian Life Community, Congregation of
Auxiliatrices of Charity, Congregation of the Sons of Charity, DEFAP (Protestant service mission ) DOM'Asile, Scouts and Girl Scouts
Unionists France, Reformed Church of France, Team National Priest-Workers, Federation square networks,
Protestant Federation of Education, Evangelical Fellowship Africa-Caribbean-Europe Foundation Army Hi, YCW (Young Christian Workers
), France-JRS (Jesuit Refugee Service Refugees), Justice and Peace - France, Popular Mission Evangelical France,
Missionaries of Africa (White Fathers), MIR-France (International Fellowship of Reconciliation), We are also the Church, Pax Christi -
France, religious mission worker, Christian Network - immigrants, Faith and Justice Network Africa-Europe Network Franciscan Gubbio
Auxiliatrices Sisters, Sisters of the Good Shepherd, National Union of PCVI (Protestant organization of training), National Alliance of Christian Association of Young People
- YMCA-YWCA, VEA (Living the Gospel together now)

I invite all those who are aware of this danger to support the organization of their choice who will denounce these practices and the voice of the voiceless Sr. Eliane

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Blotchy Hands And Feet

ill-gotten gains

Dear Friends Dear friends

I can not resist the pleasure to inform you that the complaint against three African leaders at the level of ill-gotten gain been deemed admissible at the French court.

I leave it - below the press release of Transparency International:

"ill-gotten gains" means the Supreme Court agrees to accept the complaint of TI France
The Court of Cassation overturned the ruling just last one year by the Court of Appeal of Paris ruled admissible the complaint filed by TI France in the case known as "ill-gotten gains."

This complaint concerned the circumstances in which a very important real estate and furniture was purchased in France by the Heads of State of Congo - Brazzaville, Gabon and Equatorial Guinea and members of their entourage.

Transparency International France and SHERPA greet a landmark decision that will allow the appointment of a judge and opening a judicial inquiry.

The appointment of a judge should determine under what conditions the assets in question was acquired and those in which numerous bank accounts identified by the police were fed. This information should also help shed light on the role played by the various intermediaries who could facilitate the transactions issue. One thinks especially of banks identified in the preliminary hearing which is questionable compliance with their obligations under anti-money laundering.

Restitution of stolen assets

Without prejudging the outcome of the proceedings, and Transparency International France SHERPA expect the statement that it contributes to the manifestation of the truth and that eventually it leads to the development effective implementation of restitution - specifically enshrined in the UN Convention against Corruption, ratified by France in 2005.

Lawsuit associations

This decision constitutes a significant legal step that goes beyond the matter of ill-gotten gains. For the first time in France, the lawsuit of an association to fight against corruption on behalf of the interests it has set itself the subject of defense is deemed admissible. This decision, consistent with the whole evolution of positive law on collective action associations, and should allow the future to overcome the inertia of the floors in certain sensitive political and financial affairs.

Download the press release dated November 9, 2010:

This decision is a sign that the action of NGOs and pressure groups and produces fruit that invites us to continue Sr. Eliane

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Where Do You Get Good Longboards In Canadaimages

Edith Stein asserts that "The philosophy is the truth the widest possible and most certain." what do you think?

TOPIC: What do you think of this statement of Edith Stein: , "The philosophy is the truth the widest possible and most certain."?
Moved by Mr. Gnana Samba

A theory or "truth" can be said "broader" than another when it contains the latter. Thus, for "larger truth" we can understand the truth that contains the greatest number of smaller truths she and why it is a general truth or incorporating their content. The size or extent the truth or a truth may also include or be determined by the number of natural or cultural phenomena that may explain this truth objectively or subjectively to understand. In this sense we can argue that philosophy seeks to achieve "the greatest truth, that is to say the truth which would help to understand the oneness in the diversity of human cultures, individual differences in within families of things and objects or living things that it studies, such as "the greatest truth," or gasoline or the nature of the man who performs imperfectly, partially, and differently in men that are specific historical peoples and individuals within these isolated peoples. Because, for philosophy, the nature of the thing, or the "thing itself" also called "thing itself" is what contains the intelligible world of ideas, all the historical aspects possible and never fully achieved this nature. In other words again, philosophy seeks a cause or a finite number of causes to explain a historical fact whose appearances are endless. To achieve this "truth the wider 'lives forever beyond mortal things that are imperfect in the sensible world, a place that sense can not reach, the philosophy is mobilizing its research officer preferred, namely the Because she believes to be done to return to the ultimate truth if it relies on its natural principles that shape his logic. Thus, it produces a formal truth evident particularly in the formal logic of Aristotle, in which the truth comes out of a set of logical relationships between the necessary concepts and proposals. This choice of the form of truth which also provides the theoretical foundation for philosophical truth is quite firm and it is this form of truth which allows to say that truth is a philosophical truth "definite" in its genesis or its production. But is it enough to speak without contradiction in the speech to ensure that the contradiction between thought and practice? If the report of the speech with itself is trustworthy, can we deduce the relationship between rhetoric and what he deals in history? Other hand, if science has inherited the cult of transparency and rigorous training in concepts and demonstration, and that besides the formal truth it produces, it comes into conflict with the facts to see if his thoughts captures and neutralizes or not, may we not say that science is the most certain knowledge among those who pursue the general laws that govern the observable by the senses and others that are beyond the power and vigilance of the senses? Religion and faith can not they also claim to be paths that lead through the revelation to the highest truths and safer than man can hope to achieve during his stay on earth?
It will be for us to show in what cases the definition of Edith Stein is right and what condition we are entitled to relativize the truth of this proposal.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Hair That Meagan Good Wear

Bolzano / Philosophy and Mathematical

Bernard Placidus Johann Nepomuk Bolzano ( 5 October 1781 - December 18 1848) is a mathematician, logician, philosopher, bohemian German theologian, son of an Italian immigrant to Prague .

Bolzano For what is purely a priori is the concept and only him. Purely a priori knowledge are those qi proceed purely by concepts, that is to say primarily mathematics and philosophy, science discourse one Both. Kant believed that mathematical proceed by construction of concepts in intuition when philosophy it purely discursive is knowledge by concepts. Bolzano argues that mathematical philosophy and method have same and differ only in their subject . mathematics are also knowledge through concepts, whose intuition at the meaning of Bolzano, is excluded .. The identity of method is the search for reasons and consequences , the establishment day of the objective truths connection . This identity is so strong that sometimes Bolzano considers mathematics as a "branch of philosophy and way of thinking just practice," sometimes defines philosophy as a Reflection on and in every science, and on mathematics in particular. All science involves an element of philosophy, which consists both seek the reasons and consequences to reflect on this link . The difference between mathematics and philosophy that is only the first, to the fullest Generally, science is a priori forms of objects "possible" and when the latter seeks to deduce a priori the existence of "real" object like the freedom of individuals God or the immortality of the soul. By "forms , Bolzano means general laws governing necessarily the conditions of possibility of any object. The mathematical answer to the question: "what properties necessarily belong to the things that must be possible? " Science a priori forms of possible objects, a priori science laws" everything in general can be the object of our faculty representation , 'mathematics is a kind of formal ontology, as noted by Husserl.

Barbin Evelyne and Maurice Caveing " Philosophers and mathematics
" Bolzano and mathematics, "Hourya Sinaceur.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Temazepam How Quickly Does It Work

essay about Seneca

1. The philosopjie is the love of wisdom 2. The philosophy is to achieve any thing in trying to understand what she is leaving her home in the farthest
3. Philosophy is the search for general detriment of the individual
4. The philosophy is it the safest way to arrive at the truth?
5. The philosophy she starts with the truth or a lie?
6. Philosopher's search for the beginning or the end of path when one becomes aware of his error
7. Philosophy is a project of rebuilding the foundations of thought and action of those
8. The philosophy is inseparable from the idea of the existence of a God
9. Can we reach the real true beginning and end?
10. The philosophy focuses on the general causes and not effects of the existence
11.What is showing that reason can know something of the world and of herself?
12.Does it reasonable to seek what we can achieve?
13.The man can have a more evident proof of the existence of God than his own existence?
14.La Philosophy Is an epistemological obstacle or a weapon against the epistemological obstacles?
15.Ce truly lacking in man is what he proposes to investigate the philosophy
15.Se make or remake the image of God when we realize that nothing goes on land, this is the project Philosophy
16.La philosophy is no more important than the myth
17.La reason does not fly as far and high as the heart
18.Avant learning to philosophize must therefore learn to love
19. The wise man does not leave the land
20.Celui that the land does not meet can not expect anything more
21.Etre wise to heaven is to love yourself first

Lasagna How Many Calories

PHILOSOPHY: Philosophy and wisdom

So I begin, as you ask, by telling you the difference between philosophy and wisdom. Wisdom is the good of the human spirit to perfection. Philosophy is the taste and the search of Wisdom. The first view shows that reaches the second. The origin of the term philosophy is obvious. The name itself indicates. Some have defined wisdom "knowledge of things divine and human" . Other " Wisdom is knowing things divine and human, and their causes . This addition seems unnecessary, because the causes of things human and divine part of divine things. Similarly, the philosophy has been defined in various ways by very different philosophers. Some said it was the taste of virtue, others a taste of inner progress. Some said it was looking for the right reason. On one point there is roughly in agreement: there is a some difference between philosophy and wisdom. For it is impossible that there is identity between what is research and what research. Similarly there is a big difference between greed and money, the first seeking the second, well, there is a difference between wisdom and philosophy. Because it is the effect and the reward of another. One path, the other is the goal.

Whats 12*north And 85*west

Religious Freedom

November 4, 2010 " struggle for religious freedom everywhere "by P. Fontaine

Vicar General of the Mission of France, Father Dominique Fontaine defends religious freedom, following the fatal attack in the Syrian Catholic church in Baghdad October 31, 2010.

The massacre of women and children during Sunday Mass October 31 in the Church of Our Lady of Baghdad horrified us all, as the horrifying attacks that are ongoing and involve blindly Iraqi Muslims in the streets and markets.
Pope John Paul II had done everything to avoid war in Iraq that has unleashed passions and created the current insecurity in the country.
Support Iraqi Christians, listen to their calls, is more than ever a duty for Christians but for all, to defend the plurality necessary for life and the future of every country in this globalized world. Muslim leaders in France and elsewhere say it clear in their condemnation the massacre.
In October, at the Synod of Bishops on the Middle East, all the Catholic bishops of the region were met with Pope Benedict XVI. They recalled the imperative of "religious freedom, including freedom of religion and freedom of conscience." This is particularly urgent in countries where Islam is the state religion, but also in all countries, including Europe.
The film "Men and Gods" has revealed the profound solidarity experienced by Christians in Algeria with their Muslim neighbors. There is also recalled that the imams were massacred by the Islamist extremists. In France, this film has touched many Muslims and many secular or agnostic. Can he become a source and a strong call for joint action for religious freedom in France, North Africa, Middle East and around the world.

The Christian Ctees Iraq need our solidarity and our prayers facing what touches the lives of innocent Sr. Eliane

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Bicycle Shaped Baking Pan

Saint Thomas Aquinas and Edmund Husserl / natural reason and reason supernatural belief and knowledge. Franz Brentano

Neither Thomas nor
Husserl never doubted the power of the ration . It was celebrated as the top of Husserl to have spotted the skepticism in its modern forms and have vigorously fought. But "ratio" has never meant anything to him that natural reason, while Thomas distinguishes here between natural reason and supernatural ... because Phenomenology proceed as though, in principle, our reason was unlimited. She admits that the task of reason is infinite, that science is an endless process, but the reason it does not less oriented in a straight toward his goal line, id is the full truth, as an idea which prescribes the regulatory direction. From the perspective of philosophy, no other path is taken into account. Thomas also believes that this is the way of natural reason : it is infinite, but that means it never ends, you can never even approach the goal step by step . This explains the fragmentary nature of any human philosophy. And now pierces his big "but" he never would admit that such is the only way of knowledge, that truth is nothing more than an idea that they are carried out in an endless process, never fully. The full truth is ; there is a knowledge that embraces the whole, not an infinite process, but full completion. It is the divine knowledge ... It can connect to other minds something of its fullness, and forward to them actually, to each according to his ability. This communication can take place in various ways. Natural knowledge is only one way. She has definite limits Clear and precise. But all that is inaccessible to our mind is not originally at the rate structure. We pérégrinons time on earth. But one day we'll be at goal in the heavenly homeland. Achieved this goal in mind embraces everything that is available (not all the depths of divine wisdom that only God understands), and he sees all in a single intuition. In part, he now has the vision, he had a revelation during his earthly life, provided it was necessary not to lose, he has received in faith, which is during the earthly pilgrimage, a second path, next to natural knowledge, to achieve the Know ... The extent of our knowledge is possible during our pilgrimage on earth is fixed and we can not push the envelope. Is well established that this is the reason and what is of faith. In principle, a matter of faith which is exempt from our earthly knowledge. But many things are revealed to us when they are accessible by way of knowledge, but accessible only to a small number and to a lesser degree of certainty.
Such considerations are wholly alien to the philosophy modern.
Edith Stein Phenomenology and Philosophy Christian "natural reason and supernatural reason, belief and knowledge", P.34.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Birthday Rap For 17 Year Old Guy

Saying no to euthanasia

The 14 good reasons to say no to euthanasia BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5535278041128589010 "/> This year, information is spread: 94% of French people support euthanasia and ADMD - another chestnut - " calls for a debate. " We would, therefore, that 6% to refuse that man can commit suicide legally, technically, medically. Membership would be "massive", opponents almost nonexistent, almost insignificant. It's sad but it is obviously insufficient to change their beliefs.
I will not repeat here my views, fully developed in my previous posts, but we must reiterate that we should not simply resign themselves to punish the alleged indignity of a Man by death, that France has reached a compromise legislation (see paragraph 12) largely ignored the French, including carers and there is no need to open this new debate, called by the ultras of euthanasia.

That my fourteen good reasons to oppose euthanasia. 1. A company does not break the ban on killing without consequences. This prohibition fundamental, common to all civilizations, all cultures, can not be development without delay, mechanically, further the limits of transgression.
2. No Man is never unworthy. Faced with certain purposes in life, you may sometimes be convinced but a principle is never easy to hold. Any action on the end of life should be based on this principle and not on this concession outrageous and would literally deleterious society accepting that some lives are unworthy to the point that only death would come and restore dignity. We admire Mother Teresa: she cared for the lepers, she did not finished.
3. It does not ensure the dignity of a man giving death. We must ensure dignity in vieet not by death. The alleged right to die with dignité1, we must oppose the right to live in dignity. There is no conceivable alternative to be alongside those who struggle every day to ensure the dignity of a dying person, rather than those who, by far, advocating the injection.
4. Euthanasia is a collective resignation. It is the ultimate option of a society that has abandoned the ambition to be a corporation, a community that takes care of its own, a society that has abandoned the ambition to ensure the dignity of his dying. For euthanasia, it tends to erase, to delete the problem, it does not address.
5. Euthanasia is the choice of a materialistic society, selfish and individualistic, not accepting the weakness and fragility. She cultivates youth, beauty, celebration, the body. Disability horrifies him: it is eliminated or removed. Death terrifies? It is hidden, it is hastened.
6. You take a risk in accepting an application for death: that it means something else. We all shudder at the idea that we can execute an innocent man and it is mobilizing against it regularly. We should also shudder at the idea: euthanize someone who did not really wanted. Suffer and see his body or his mind disintegrate: how not wish this to stop? But what do we want to see an end: the suffering and feelings of worthlessness or life? 2 All our efforts and all our collective ambition should be to the annihilation of suffering and the assurance of dignity. It sets itself ambitious goals in many areas, and we achieved that seem unrealistic, why do we go down the arm here?
7. The choice is illusory. Ask a real choice suppose there is an alternative, we know about its existence and that this alternative is effective. As written by Axel Kahn, a former chairman of CCNE3, "reintroduce the dimension of free will required to reinstate the parameters of a life not only bearable, but desirable. " Who really knows palliative care? Which has ensured that palliative care become a reality? It is also unfair to suggest that we can now anticipate our control right now so specific and unpredictable that will be our death, what we think today will not really feel that day . Should he risk life while we have wanted to die, or die while we wanted to live?
8. Death is a time to live. Marie de Hennezel, a pioneer of palliative care in France illustrates the Death fully intimate with the death of John, the death of Marcelle, that of Marie-France, and this "ciao" with one hand. If death stinks maybe even more than it tells, though it can sometimes be a cry of pain and loneliness, it is unlikely for some this passage in which the dying begins in peace. As foolish as it may seem, we must allow time to die. Death should not be hastened.
9. Euthanasia is a choice of able-bodied for the dying. Trivially: policymakers are not paying. Emmanuel Hirsch, president of the Espace Ethique AP-HP, and ARSla, recalled One evening as people with ALS are not asking for death, but speech synthesizers. However, pronounced in these polls, if not in good health, anguished by death, terrified by the forfeiture and deeply convinced of the worthlessness of men dying? "Life May Be Worth Living in a locked-in syndrome" is the title of a European study that highlights that even in this extreme situation, patients still evoke a "quality of life." Really, can we judge, in absolute terms or face a concrete situation, the dignity of a state of life?
10. The request for death extreme minority. With Emmanuel Hirsch, Catherine Kiefer rappelaitqu'en 10 years of practice, she had been a request for euthanasia. There is also the oncologist (cancer specialist) who reports to Rue89 than 25 years of practice, she has not seen any request for euthanasia that lasts. Discussions artificially maintained and renewed by some parasitic reflection. Should we shake the foundations of our social life for rare cases, and can handle much?
11. Allow active euthanasia will kill the development of palliative care. Yet the only solution of a real dignity and honor of a company. This development is long pressed for practitioners (including Didier Sicard, former president of CCNE), but it takes a strong political and social will to develop the approach of palliative care. Palliative care in hospitals require time, personnel and money. Faced with the assurance of an end faster, relieving those who stay and also the public finances, euthanasia will he really fussy?
12. We have reached a "French way", largely ignored by the French, who still called for the establishment of a situation that already exists. Since the recent law LEONNET, 22 April 2005, one of the first articles of the Code of Public Health, Article L.1110-5, provides that medical procedures "shall not be prosecuted by an unreasonable obstinacy "and that" when they appear useless, disproportionate or having other effect than the mere continuation of artificial life, they may be suspended or not to be undertaken. " The same article provides that "in this case, the doctor saves the dignity of the dying and ensures the quality of his life in providing the care referred to in Article L. 1110-1110 "- that is to say palliative care - or that" health professionals implement all the means at their disposal to ensure everyone a decent life until death. " Even more explicitly, in Article L. 1111-10 Code of Public Health states that "when a person, in advanced or terminal phase of severe and incurable, whatever the cause, decides to limit or stop all treatment, the doctor respects the will after being informed of the consequences of his choice. " In this case, Section 1111-10 provides that "the doctor safeguard the dignity of the dying and ensures the quality of its end of life by providing the care referred to in Article L.1110-10," which "aims to relieve pain, ease the mental suffering, safeguard the dignity of the sick person and his entourage to support. " Under such treatment, as described in the guide "right of the sick and dying" 4, the doctor may administer a sedative, making the patient unconscious. The French do not know the law, partly for lack of political will. The French assert favor of a law on euthanasia, but exists! Do they know only those provisions? 56% of respondents say that euthanasia should be possible "in certain cases." When she innocently say should be reserved for "unbearable diseases [as opposed to cool diseases?] And incurable," do they know the article L.111-10, applicable to serious and incurable diseases? Of the various sites, commentators criticize the aggressive treatment. Do they know that this persecution is unanimously condemned, and clearly excluded by Article L.1110-5 of the Code of Public Health? Thus, the French, uninformed or misinformed, ignore what is in the law and are calling for what already exists.
13. We can not escape, France, the excesses of euthanasia. We can not escape this alleged compassion, a little too eager. We will not escape either to deviations from these countries that we said "ahead": the Netherlands, Belgium, but also Switzerland. Netherlands and Belgium, it is coming to the euthanasia of dementia, children, depression. In France, the drift of the ADMD is there before our eyes, and its purpose lies behind circumlocutions irenic. The right to die with dignity Twenty years ago it was a demand for palliative care. It has become a claim for death. ADMD and campaigning today for assisted suicide. Today, the law allows the patient who wants to die to stop his treatment and be administered sedation. Have we not reached a point of balance, or even a break?
14. The end of life is exploited by a manipulative, extremist organization. The end of life is over-simplified, reduced to the general public to a question of injection, neglecting the mystery and the unknown. The emblematic cases (cases and especially Tranois Humbert, Sébire or Salvat) are dramatically truncated because they are ultimately cons-demonstrative (cf. including analysed'Axel Kahn). Well understood, they illustrate the cruel excesses and deviations of euthanasia. The fact of being forced to use dishonest methods - despite polls so favorable - should sharpen the critical faculties of public opinion. In addition, while the law already enshrines the right to discontinue treatment and be administered sedation, the ADMD only stop when active euthanasia and assisted suicide (not in a condition) will be legalized. This is the meaning of the draft law proposed by him, to be discussed November 16, 2010 in favor of "actively assisted death". Passive euthanasia already exists, but the ADMD is that the physician directly administers the death. To achieve its purposes, the French ADMD ment, arguing tirelessly - as does Jean-Luc Romero still these days - it would still pass a law on euthanasia and open debate House, held on numerous occasions and has resulted OF a law whose assessment in 2008 led to the establishment of a parliamentary report.

Posted blog

About this survey is the testimony of Professor Régis Aubry

President of the Observatory on End of Life, and head of the palliative care unit at University Hospital of Besançon The doctor responds Régis Aubry:

"Like any survey, it has an interest - limited - and a risk: he can speak of the end of life, including euthanasia, which is an absolute necessity but it can not avoid a simplistic view of things. We ask people questions in binary terms on a highly complex subject. It is then allowed to wonder based on what their responses, their knowledge of issues, instead of their subjectivity, their fears. It is a vision of well-bearing. What answers would they have been interviewing key stakeholders? As president of the Observatory of the end of life, I see once again that the Leonetti law on end of life is still very little known by the French. It is our mission to make it better known by publishing regularly the state of research in this area. "

In this moment of confusion I invite you to go see the movie" Eyes Open "by Frederik Chaudier giving another perspective on end of life Sr. Eliane

When Did I Conceive Based On Due Date

Peacemakers in Iraq

PRESS Pax Christi France

The Synod of Bishops for the Middle East has just ended. It is obviously for the Christians of the East a great breath of fresh air. Iraqi Christians in particular, who have suffered so much, could find a new indicator of hope. The fruits of course still require to be harvested. But in Iraq there was now justified in saying that future becomes possible on the basis of a respectful dialogue between religions and a clear recognition by all of the rights of everyone.

On this same land of Iraq a better seemed also occur for the population towards the institutional stability and social peace.

And here again is the test! The glimmers of hope and life that had appeared on the horizon are tarnished by violence and death. Pax Christi France, particularly concerned about the fate of his brothers in Iraq, wants to tell them that all the horror feel to the new terrorist who carried out once again cruelly affect Christians, not just Christians. We want express our heartfelt solidarity with the families of those killed in the "massacre" of the Cathedral of Baghdad and all those who today live in pain and anguish.

can not be silent when we kill with a total cynicism expectancy of men and women who have only one aspiration, to live in peace and harmony, their family and social life . We strongly disapprove of the new crime has been committed in Baghdad and we are asking all friends of peace and justice to denounce us. We thank Mr. Mohammed Moussaoui, President of the French Muslim Council and Mr. Dalil Boubaker, rector of the Great Mosque of Paris, having already made a clear commitment in this sense and have unequivocally condemned the perversion of Islam by extremist currents. Could we not pursue a joint discussion to address such disparities and advance in this troubled world dialogue, respect and fellowship.

Once again we turn to our politicians. They have the duty to act to consolidate the fragile foundations of peace and security in Iraq, benefiting not only Christians but also those who are threatened and hindered the progress harmonious in their daily lives. France is also now being targeted by violent forces. She especially the duty to act - responsibly - for those who have less than we can afford to defend.

Never throw in custody. The man continues to suffer because of man. So we have an overriding obligation to work with renewed determination to work for justice and peace.

+ Marc Stenger
Bishop of Troyes
President of Pax Christi France

I join Pax Chrit who says no to violence in Iraq and in Angers go tonight participate in a circle of silence Sr. Eliane

Monday, November 1, 2010

If I Work In Ottawa And Live In Quebec

Edmund Husserl St. Thomas Aquinas

It is not always easy, from the mental universe of Edmund Husserl, break into that of St. Thomas. Husserl's relationship with Franz Brentano can perhaps establish some approximation. In his recollections of Brentano, Husserl himself has told how he had seduced the Brentano method, and how his approach to philosophical issues drew him to philosophy. With Brentano

he understood that philosophy could be something other than gossip distinguished; his teaching showed him that, while driving, philosophical reflection could meet highest scientific standards, which the Mathematical had used. Now, where did he get this Brentano rigor in the conduct of thought, which astonished and captivated as Husserl? Whence came this crystal clear in concept formation? Was not it a legacy of scholasticism.
Brentano had been educated at the school demanding the traditional Catholic philosophy, and had trained the mind to follow the method.
Edith Stein Phenomenology and Christian philosophy, introduced and translated by Secrelan Philibert, IV, "Husserl's phenomenology and philosophy of Saint Thomas Aquinas"