is approaching, we are approaching, slowly but surely the hundredth and final issue of " It's Thursday, I will eat my frichti .
Already, almost, we traveled together for three-quarters of this passionate quest of songs of the last century who participated in the construction of the music that unites us all in different ways.
And today, after a special issue devoted solely to making agit-prop for the second edition Rockers Kulture Festival , we return to a more traditional format.
But before that, it would be fair all the same I say a word about this remarkable success has been this second round of Rockers Kulture .
Was it because we were Friday, early weekend (while the first edition was made during the week), was it because I had been talking up the Mov 'to promotion of the event (Nan!! I kidding, first because it was a pleasure to do so, and secondly because I do not believe that despite mes articles ou ce passage de 4 minutes montre en main à la radio, j'ai enjoint une seule personne à venir - si c'est le cas qu'elle se manifeste et je lui baiserais les pieds de reconnaissance), était-ce dû à l'affiche fort affriolante, au travail toujours recommencé de l'équipe de Rock Paradise , ou était-ce tout simplement un prémisse de ce sursaut pour cette musique que j'appelle de mes vœux.... toujours est-il que La Boule Noire était pleine comme un œuf, réunissant sans doute deux fois plus de monde que lors de la première édition. A ce rythme, pour la troisième levée, c'est carrément l' Olympia qu'il faudra réserver (Before conquering Bercy the fourth course).

As for the groups themselves, it would take too long to mention all. I have chosen, among others, the mutineer of hillbilly Cattle Call as emotional return of Jezebel Rock, with a tremendous Tribute to Buddy Holly the killer Ridin 'to The Ace of Tony Marlow and of course the duet with Graziella on I Fought The Law , of boisterous kids Spunyboys as course Megatons Easy and Lazy , but may be primarily madness Hot Chickens, with bassist-singer is a genuine psychotic happy, capable, after two minutes of crowd surfing , to send his bass do the similar route. What with thousands of spectators manièrent precaution they gear to make it go back and revisit the scene. A true madman, with classy humor, letting go at the end of gig, so that the room demanded a strong reminder: " No, no it's over. We are really only three ... Anyway, we know that three! "
short a Friday exception!

Not exactly anyone's two brothers, Ira and Charles Louvin or to be more exact, and Ira Charles Loudermilk , a name totally unknown since it is not the same as that of John D., the creator of the classic Tobacco Road. .. But mostly because casually, mixing their influences and their gospel background honky tonk, the two brothers were among the first in country music has developed vocal harmonies, an approach that influenced both another couple of efrètres famous (the Everly) that people like the Byrds.
So Charlie Ira joined , deceased for 45 years. The younger of two brothers had indeed a less dissolute than its predecessor, a follower of the bottle and anger, who died, the height of tragic irony, hit by a drunk driver (one day when it was not not). And yet, in respect of a long tradition of " do what I sing, but not what I do " the original rock and country music to many respected southerner, the Louvin Brothers were of good blood Cureton Baptists when they set about it (it is only to see the titles of many of their songs referred to Jesus, the savior, or Satan, the enemy, more often than not).
The Louvin Brothers were introduced Country Music Hall of Fame , which is only fair, they also have a official website, where you can more fully explore their biographies and their abundant discography.
On this I leave you with a hillbilly boogie almost perfect, they have created.
The Louvin Brothers - Freight Train Boogie
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