What anti-globalization? In written below, Antoine Suef up the shadow areas on a widespread movement but often little known.
The alterglobalism is often considered as a movement confined to challenging the global capitalist neoliberalism. However, beyond the criticism of this system, beyond the termination of his dangerous abuses on social and environmental analysis of its multiple mechanisms that enable it to win (debt, multinationals, lobbies, paradise tax and legal ...), the global justice movement is developing alternative, propose systems of organization that would meet the needs of many. Global justice is, anyone who denies the commodification of the world and who aspires to a world whose purpose is the welfare of all humans, instead of the current race for personal profit and immediate.
World society
"Everyone knows it or smell it, life in society requires a set of values, services and common goods" (). Thus, at a time when goods move across the earth's surface at a speed and volume unprecedented at the time to develop problems of global scale (global warming, epidemics, traffic offenses, etc.). it becomes necessary to define a set of values, services and common goods for humanity, that is to say, human society worldwide. These public goods and global commons will then be produced, preserved and distributed evenly among men.
What are these values and assets?
Regarding essential common values, we can rest for example on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948, which is recognized by 192 nations in the world, meaning that they identify with the values of this statement. However, to ensure to all people the enjoyment of those rights, it is necessary to develop worldwide public goods such as justice, science, education, health and culture. Moreover, the natural laws that govern the world can not be neglected, because they include and determine the very existence of humanity. Climate, energy, water, ecosystem, these commons should be managed responsibly to ensure the maintenance of conditions of life of men.
U n squandered common good: fossil
The example of oil and fossil fuels is eloquent enough to understand the problem of the commons: the nature was secreted during a transformation process millennium, an amazing resource of energy easily exploitable by human technology. Unfortunately, instead of exploiting rationally, men have squandered this resource in a few decades into a waste insane and irresponsible, at the same time generating pollution that seriously threatens the future of the planet and humanity. Since 1950, energy consumption has increased by 4 while the population grew by 2.4%. Some states and some private companies have played this irreplaceable gift of the past, countries engaged in bloody wars (Iraq, Congo, Angola, etc.). for obtaining deposits making use of large-scale corruption, and nurturing a number of insiders disproportionately (as was revealed among others the Elf affair). The record is quite severe: resources will soon dry up and climate change is inevitable! Humanity would have been wiser to include all fossil fuels as the common heritage of mankind and manage it as such. "The idea of common good of humanity requires not sacrifice the future to supply this (especially when what is fueling this is profit) "() If you wish to allow humanity to continue his adventure in a world livable and sustainable It is indispensable and urgent to put people at the heart of globalization, and thus to impose limits on the law of the market is needed now before anything else. However, François Lille rightly remarks that "living planet before us and includes us, it can not be human merchandise, except to destroy it and us."
Think global, act locally
common and public goods must be considered globally globally, but the implementation of public services ensuring their distribution to be managed locally in order to adapt to cultures and realities field. Thus, the development of impoverished countries such as Burkina Faso and foremost requires the establishment of an efficient public service to ensure the health, education and livelihoods in the general population. Only thus can Burkinaè enjoy their fundamental rights and, ultimately, may do without external assistance to establish equal relations with other countries. Development aid has indeed this in criticism that it establishes a de facto inequality between nations, because the hand that gives is always above the one that receives. We therefore want a real change in how to design the development, François Lille admirably summarizes the following sentence: "The passage of the idea of using that public property is one of the humiliating and misleading assistance to peoples' rights and people. One is begging, the others are claiming and s'exigent . [1] To all of us to build this claim, what we work at our events such as the Social Forum in Dakar
I liked this definition of what is now the global justice movement and changes it operates in attitude by developing the role of civil society actors SR Eliane
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