February 20
Message from Secretary General
Social justice is more than an ethical imperative, it is the foundation of national stability and global prosperity. Equality of opportunity, solidarity, respect for human rights are essential to fully unlock the productive potential of nations and peoples.
World Day of Social Justice is an opportunity to invite all countries to take concrete steps to give meaning to the universal values of human dignity and equality opportunities for all. This year's celebration of this day is under the sign of social protection for all, in fact, social protection is essential to build more just and equitable, where everyone finds his place.
While we continue to fight against the fallout from the financial crisis and economic crisis, it is more important than ever to meet this challenge. For the tens of millions of people who lost their jobs since the beginning of the crisis, the global recession is far from belonging to the past. This is one reason why the United Nations system has responded by launching an initiative that provides for the establishment of minimum social protection. This action aims to promote access to basic social services, to give everyone the means to have a decent income and to strengthen safeguards for the poor, vulnerable and marginalized.
Eighty percent of the world population does not enjoy adequate social protection. Women are particularly vulnerable. The establishment of minimum social protection has a clear goal: to ensure that nobody lives below a certain income threshold and that everyone has access to public services essentials such as water and sanitation, health and education.
According to numerous studies, the minimum social protection is affordable worldwide. The International Labour Organization and the United Nations Development Programme made public today a new report, which are listed in 18 innovative policy of minimum social protection that actually change things in developing countries. On the other hand, during the last session of the Commission for Social Development, Member States felt that social protection schemes were a means to fight against inequality and social exclusion, and contribute to the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals.
same time, we must continue to strongly oppose the discriminatory acts based on religion, ethnicity or economic status to deprive people of their dignity. We must respond quickly and create a climate conducive to social integration and decent work for all.
The quest for social justice is essential and can promote growth under the sign of fairness and to minimize risks social unrest. Let us rise to the challenge and make sure that the efforts we have committed to sustainable development also lead to social justice for all.
Ban Ki-moon
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