If you join us in groping of course, is that the third season of WCOTBT renders its verdict midterm! And you're there to announce results and solutions.
But, again, a large discrepancy between the results of the "sounds " (with scores of 13.79 out of 19 possible, ever since September didst you do as well), and those of the party " pictures "where you have suffered, especially on" Eyes "...
You were 14 to play this month (a slight decrease from the previous month, knowing that a big old who spent close to victory in the inaugural WCOTBT there are two is ironed years here, and has not done anything ... yes Davnat , Of thee I speak!). And of course, like every month, special dedication to the late trades through which the suspense is over until I finish at times that have no name, count my points ^ ^
Then Date: education and well number 1 is not a surprise, our champion of the Fall (one that leads halfway) is naturally Stéphane Foulon Mus ; virtually led from the first stage, the Corbeillois demonstrated a remarkable regularity. However, he did not win the stage, as this was offered to returning Davnat with 27 points which is almost the perfect copy. Congratulations to him. And it encourages them to return!
On the audio portion, after these five steps, Ocean Ronnie has a seemingly comfortable but it does not fall asleep on its laurels ... It's hard behind frog. As for " images" we have a situation that remains extremely tight with several players still positioned to win.
Anyway what happened in the first 5 steps may very well defeat at the next five years! So ...
1 - The pop-rock:
Richard Ashcroft - A Song for the Lovers (1.29);
Melissa Auf Der Maur - Taste You (French version) (1.86);
Arcade Fire - Rebellion (Lies) (1.71);
Art Brut - Fight (1.57);
Adamo - La Nuit (1.86);
Au Revoir Simone - The Lucky Ones (1.29).
Ok, the thread was not so complicated to have to have followed the course of Edgar Morin to grasp the complexity: all our artists or groups were stored in shelving letter A. Overall, there was no significant impasses; at most will say that we Adamo and Auf Der Maur seem easier to recognize that Ashcroft or Au Revoir Simone .
dung 9: Jermaine Jackson and Pia Zadora - When The Rains Begin To Fall (1.50);
dung 10: Elton John - Blue Eyes (1.86).
And no, you do not cut it:
Oh you touch one corner of the eighties kitsch videos! I've spoiled is the full version!
Yes, next to the dung above, there is squarely Kaurismaki !
Crisis ( Coline Serreau ) (0.86 to 3 points possible):
Nice movie, but that is probably the one you have posed the greatest problem since September.
Bon total, sounds, an average of 13.79 points out of 19 possible.
Eyes 1:

Good overall, for images, an average of 3.14 points out of 11 possible (again, the images have hurt)
RANKINGS the Stage:
In general:2) El Klak: 22 points;
3) Stephane Foulon Mus: 21 points;
4) The Buze: 20.5 points;
5) JP Next: 19 points;
6) Ronnie Ocean: 18.5 points;
7) Guic 'The Old: 18 points;
8) Sandrine Eric Thebaut and Sonic: 17 points;
10) Jerome G. : 15 points;
11) Arbobo: 14 points;
12) Fabrice Guillet and Dragibus: 10 points;
14) Pyrox the Hargneu: 8 points;
Bravo to all, the key is to play .
The "Sons" Pop-Rock + dung + Cinema:
1) and JP Davnat Next: 19 points (full board, one and other!)
3) Sandrine Thébaut: 17 points;
4) Stephane Foulon Mus: 16 points;
5) The Ocean and Ronnie Buze: 15.5 points ...
"Images" Eyes Without a Face + Pouch :
1) El Klak and Davnat: 8 points;3) Guic the Buze, Jerome G., Sonic Eric and Stéphane Foulon Mus: 5 points;
after and well we mostly fanny at the bar!
Rankings - Accumulated after FIVE (5) stages:
1) Stéphane Foulon Mus: 122 points and Fall Champion! ;
2) Guic 'The Old: 97 points;
3) Arbobo: 93 points;
4) Ronnie Ocean: 90.5 points;
5) JP Next: 88.5 points;
6) Sonic Eric : 81 points;
7) El Klak: 76 points;
8) Jerome G. : 75 points;
9) Dragibus: 65 points;
10) The Buze: 62.5 points;
11) coolbeans: 51 points;
12) Daniel Next: 50.5 points;
13) Diane Cairns: 50 points;
14) Pyrox the Hargneu: 42 points;
15) Stone: 31 points;
16) Fabrice Guillet and Sandra Thébaut: 29 points;
18) Davnat: 27 points;
19) Stephane Ska: 26 points;
20) Regus PatOff: 25
21) Yosemite: 19 points;
22) JOHNFORD (aka Peter) and Jen: 17 points
24) Oeuréka and Thanu: 13 points ;
26) Boebis: 9 points;
27) Lawrence Mouetron: 7 points.
The "Sounds": Pop-Rock + dung + Cinema:
1) Ronnie Ocean: 82.5 points;2) Stephane Foulon Mus: 82 points;
3) Arbobo: 69 points;
4) Guic 'the Old: 67 points;
5) JP Next: 63 points;
6) Jerome G. : 56 points;
7) Sonic Eric: 53 points;
8) The Buze: 49.5 points;
9) Dragibus: 48 points;
10) El Klak: 44 points;
"Images" Eyes Without a Face + Cover:
1) Stéphane Foulon Mus: 40 points ;
2) El Klak: 32 points;
3) Guic 'The Old: 30 points;
4) Sonic Eric: 28 points;
5) JP Next: 25.5 points;
6) Arbobo: 24 points;
etc. ...
So if it stopped today, the three winners would Stéphane Foulon Mus overall, Ronnie Ocean sounds, and now El Klak visuals (anyway, the visuals it changes every month). But then the differences, especially for " images" are so so many weaklings that nothing is done, when we're just halfway!
Good, Well it was already the fifth stage. Still Five (5) until the final to be held in June 2011.
The sixth stage: start the last day of February, is Monday, February 28 and, since it lasts 15 days, will close March 14 at midnight!
Be There!
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