At 93 years, Stephane Hessel is the youngest of us by the vitality its commitment and strength of hope. Born in Berlin in 1917, immigrated to France in 1925, naturalized in 1937, escaped prisoner in 1940, he joined General de Gaulle in London in 1941. Tough, liaison to BCRA, he was arrested in France in 1944, then deported, particularly at Camp Dora, where he narrowly escaped hanging. Diplomat from 1945, ambassador of France, he will make the issue of human rights without fighting his share or break, as illustrated by its strong commitment to the Palestinian cause. At the end of 2010, Stéphane Hessel is widely celebrated as a kind of incarnation of the exact opposite of this late period that symbolizes Sarkozyism. Resuming his appeal at the annual ceremony organized by Citizens resistant yesterday and today Glières plateau, a place of strength and of his martyrdom, the exceptional success of Bookstore unworthy you! is in itself a sign of hope for warm this cold winter.
Friend and support the first time Mediapart, Stephane Hessel willingly agreed to submit a citizen wishes resistant to all "citizens who can resist." The recording took place in his Paris home on Thursday morning December 30. So be warmly thanked. Here is a little ahead of the wishes of resistance, somehow our wishes-cons before they decide that, Friday, December 31, 2010 in the evening, a discredited president also qu'inaudible. Their text is below the video, and both are free access. Feel free to circulate them, send them to your relatives and friends, turning them into a great wave of hope against anxiety.
My dear compatriots,
The first decade of our century ended in failure today. A painful defeat for France and a serious setback for Europe, a disturbing failure to global society.
Remember the goals of the Millennium Development Goals, proclaimed by the 2000 UN World Conference. It was proposed to halve in five years the number of poor worldwide. At the same time, we began a new negotiation to put an end to three decades old conflict in the Middle East - the Palestinians would be entitled to a State under two years. Failure on the whole line! A more equitable distribution among all essential common goods such as water, air, earth and light? Instead, she declined, with more rich and very, very poor as ever.
The reasons are many of indignation. This little book indignation you! - Which was a huge success with parents, and more of their children, whom he addresses - is something that touches me deeply. What must it be that these young people are indignant today? I would say first of complicity between political power and economic and financial powers. These well-organized globally to satisfy the greed and the greed of some of their leaders, those divided and unable to agree to control the economy for the benefit of people even if they to them the first truly global organization of history, these United Nations which may be assigned by mutual agreement the authority and the forces necessary to remedy what is wrong.
At least we left there a conquest essential democratic, resulting from two centuries of struggle citizen. It allows us to claim the right to choose to lead us women and men with a clear and exciting that the second decade, which opens tomorrow can and must achieve. That is the task that I propose to all who listen. They build on the courageous authors who have spoken in recent months on Susan George and her beautiful book Their crises, our solutions on Edgar Morin and his latest tome ethics, Claude Alphandery and his proposals for an economy social solidarity. With them, we know what we can achieve.
not wait. Resist a president whose wishes are no longer credible.
Live citizens and citizens who can resist!
I support this approach of outrage at what is happening in our country Sr. Eliane
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