Sunday, January 9, 2011

Example Church Anniversary Program

Children rebirth

Every day the sun rises in Africa and elsewhere Inthe world. Every day the moon rises somewhere in the world. And illuminates the surface of the earth of men and animals. Daily power plants and other energy sources distribute tons and tons of light and illuminate the world.
Despite all these lights and their brightness natural and artificial, every day, everywhere, even here on earth where men seem to have permanently or temporarily at least set the handicap of the darkness in human life, the world suffers always a greater light limitation. As the lights of nature and those that humans have created themselves for not getting lost or telescoping cons dangerous obstacles or fall into a well in daylight as Thales of Miletus, do not always reach those areas nature and especially the personal and social life need to clarify yet necessarily expect to live in peace within specific to each individual as a moral, social and peace common to all.

Yes, our world lacks transparency and therefore truth and it moves at an alarming and distressing to a destination. Our world is not transparent for all its science and all its wisdom for every day, we wake up one morning and out of our sleep at the shop, we learn without knowing why, that the world has yet to change ;: This only yesterday that cost CFAF 10 now costs 1,000 times more expensive.

This kind of darkness and the consequences that pressese offers what seems to me to fill. It At least that is peutcomprendre in what organizers of the march Real evidence of this hypothesis m'aété given today and in other circumstances inthe same before today's protest march youth in the suburbs of Dakar deGuédiawaye, to hear the rest of the world the uncomfortable posture danslaquelle it is now their city. But this youth held toutde even say that despite the uncomfortable position they construitedélibérément or impotence, a suburb of Guédiawaye preserves valeursqui founded the city of their elders and their personal lives that guided etsociale: patience, hard work, integrity, solidarity, beyond the refusal moral decay even in the most profound material deprivation "Labanlieue Guédiawaye is not a den of gangsters, prostitutes, dedrogués or other enemies of the city.

It is certainly proven, but it n'estpas desperate and will never be desperate As long as he remains a soufflede life to think and act individually or collectively to sortirde moments of crisis, sometimes transitional avancerdavantage steps toward the horizons of development. It is undoubtedly in that Finkielkraut has reason to suppose that " humanity has sometimes neededTo disaster" natural, economic, cultural, political, moral or uneautre nature. The historical role of these kinds of disaster is to whip profondémenta human consciousness so it can no longer shirk responsibility historical lead as driver of a personal life etsurtout as driver of people.

We are not yet in a state of disaster and we do not want even if it can contain positive as even-lacatastrophe not yet arrived may be in Côte d'Ivoire, which does say veutpas want a change in the direction of worsening. But that Africa mesemble march inexorably to the catastrophe that children enfanterales of his African renaissance that will join the children renaissancedes other peoples and nations of the world since history is indeed qu'unesérie of deaths and rebirths. Each death and rebirth in each lanature or culture is the necessary condition to prevent a possible resurrection without mortplus regrettable, the death that destroys pourtoujours.
Whatever flights today as the number of cesenfants of rebirth: what matters is their experience and consciousness qu'ilsont of this experience that counts.

They are not yet fully educated etprofonds the highest secrets of the world, but they now know what the world is pasen part and how it is now no longer allowed to behave in lemonde.
They clearly indicate the way by taking it without appelerpersonne, but somewhere along the way, everyone will realize that voieafricaine the existence of nature and human life personal etsociale that was denied or Lost is finally retrouvée.Ce way deserves everything that urges is notrepossession but it does not require weapons. Weapons are made lesagresseurs for inside or outside and not for the workers of the motherland citéet or against human rights.
In this way the media of all kinds have missionfondamentale.La Police also has a historic role in this way.


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