And yes, already the halfway point of this marathon of music and imagery, as happens today the FIFTH THIRD stage of the season WCOTBT !
So now that we've played 4 times, I think everybody knows we're playing for Three classes, the general , one on the " sound" and that, devilishly played yet on the " images.
For indeed, the events are divided between " Sons" and "Images . And this, as follows:
For indeed, the events are divided between " Sons" and "Images . And this, as follows:
For the "Sons" ':
- a classic blind test "pop rock" with 6 extracts, and as usual, two points per sample ( one for the song, for the group or artist), so for a total of TWELVE (12) points;
- two "dung" to recognize, with the same number of stitches for the "pop-rock ," what makes us so FOUR (4) points to be taken;
- extract cinema: listen to a short dialogue on the basis which, it should be recognized that the film is extracted. Easy, in my opinion and still THREE (3) points to make. Let
for testing "sounds", a total of NINETEEN (19) points.
And for the "Images"
- test " Eyes Without a Face " , where you have to recognize two (2) characters famous male or female actors or actresses, rockers or rockers, sports, sports, male or female politicians, or etc. etc.. THREE (3) points for each correct answer, or a total of SIX (6);
- and finally, test " pocket " where a small piece cut from a wallet, you revert to recognize the album in question, and the group or artist who has committed a total of FIVE (5) points. Let
for the tests " images " ELEVEN (11) points to retrieve.
And overall, THIRTY (30) points per month!
Ah, month after month, I repeat, I repeat myself ...
Okay, so it's good!?
So Let's Go!
- two "dung" to recognize, with the same number of stitches for the "pop-rock ," what makes us so FOUR (4) points to be taken;
- extract cinema: listen to a short dialogue on the basis which, it should be recognized that the film is extracted. Easy, in my opinion and still THREE (3) points to make. Let
for testing "sounds", a total of NINETEEN (19) points.
And for the "Images"
- test " Eyes Without a Face " , where you have to recognize two (2) characters famous male or female actors or actresses, rockers or rockers, sports, sports, male or female politicians, or etc. etc.. THREE (3) points for each correct answer, or a total of SIX (6);
- and finally, test " pocket " where a small piece cut from a wallet, you revert to recognize the album in question, and the group or artist who has committed a total of FIVE (5) points. Let
for the tests " images " ELEVEN (11) points to retrieve.
And overall, THIRTY (30) points per month!
Ah, month after month, I repeat, I repeat myself ...
Okay, so it's good!?
So Let's Go!
--------------------------------------------- ------
WCOTBT Season 3 - Step Five: Who will be champion fall?
- the blind test 6 tracks " pop rock " to listen and / or download here: poprock-January
(then: and one, some will be satisfied because there are just over words than usual, but beware, I just said a little , and two: you should realize, even without finding the 6 tracks immediately, that there is like a red thread in this blind test, which can then help you to find titles that you may fail - the red wire is only used it for that matter, will not bring it out of bonus point Extra -)
- the dung No. 9 : same in this place: dung 09 ;
- the dung No. 10: So go there: dung 10 ;
(then: and one, some will be satisfied because there are just over words than usual, but beware, I just said a little , and two: you should realize, even without finding the 6 tracks immediately, that there is like a red thread in this blind test, which can then help you to find titles that you may fail - the red wire is only used it for that matter, will not bring it out of bonus point Extra -)
- the dung No. 9 : same in this place: dung 09 ;
- the dung No. 10: So go there: dung 10 ;
(Now that I know in advance that there was grumbling, saying it's not dung, good, well I replied that I do what I want!)
- Eyes Without a Face: Eyes
and, last but not least an extract from the pocket Number Five (5!) :

------- --------------------------------------------------
------- Your turn now!

Which brings us until Saturday February 12 MIDNIGHT to play !
And now, good luck, amigos-gas!
PS: of course not "Triolet for the past week," this Saturday, but there are some crap unearthed in the news that we will launch on Monday morning. And next Saturday, we will resume the (good?) Habits.
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