Hello amigos y otros-gas-tras!
Already seventy-second issue of " It's Thursday, you turned round in Italy ! Already! The immensity of the task that is behind me m'affole! The amount of expert knowledge on rock'n'roll and its derivatives and pioneering ancestors, and I passed all my readers amazes me numb and eternally grateful! I m'esbaubis all alone with this mountain of rock and roll and I bequeath to the world! Back and watch and measure the accumulation of crop sown and I get drunk ...
And to think that I still write 28 issues, I'm drunk!
(No I'm kidding ... especially since I have the material).
And if we talk about revival for once!? And if we leave the territory for years 40 and 50 where "It's Thursday ... " confined mostly one or two exceptions. Yes revival. No one who is slowly trying to conquer Europe, this I have already said a few words and will return shortly. But whoever came in the late 70's and found with the Stray Cats its iconic figurehead behind which a group of divers groups tried with varying success to trace its path. But before the American cats, there were groups from all eternity in England, determined not to allow the flame Teddy Boy that burned very-50s to mid sixties, flame who met another, that we called Mod, with some collateral damage on the beaches of Brighton in 1964.

of hillbilly boogie, recorded for this in the white version of rockabilly, a clear reference to the culture Teddy Boy (born in England before the advent of rock'n'roll), Crazy Cavan had Obviously this slight sulfur scent that clung to the Creepers Teds. Yet if ever there was one that does not mix folklore and bullshit, and internationalizing the movement that made him lose his Britishness had heavier to win that all cultures could bring her vintage rock'n'roll, it is Cavan Grogan.
The man must have more than 65 years. He continues with his gang to skim each scene would be pleased with him. He obviously has a website (one can be nostalgic for the original rock & roll while in his time).
Doubtless he knows: he is for quite some time entered the ground floor (and in his lifetime) in the history of modern music of Great Britain (the equal of Paul Weller or a Ray Davies , mentors other British rock subcultures), it will have its place in the pantheon of world vintage rockers. Even if it's a modest place in the history of rock'n'roll, he will because he will have earned it.
Crazy Cavan & The Rhythm Rockers - She's The One to Blame (1975).
Go, amigos-gas, more!
Oh, and as I hold you, as already started to do promo for the second edition of the Festival Rocker's Kultur be held on Friday, January 28 at La Boule Noire . Second shot of what France produced best in rockab '. Come take a look and put an ear.
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