Posted February 28, 2011 on the site
Alain Juppe , foreign minister and mayor of Bordeaux. REUTERS / Regis Duvignau
It was all smiles on Monday 28 February, at a press conference, Alain Juppe. The "promotion" of the government, the new minister of foreign affairs, yet gave a press conference as mayor of Bordeaux and was soon bombarded with questions about the difficulties of such a combination. "I trust me to get organized," he replied, with some malice, a reporter who asked about the implication of François Fillon, Alain Juppe that would "less present" now Bordeaux.Comment Alain Juppe will he therefore take steps to guarantee his work in Bordeaux? "As I did when I was prime minister for four months or, as minister of defense," he replied, citing the fact that he had "well-oiled team." "I have an iPhone" , he said, pretending to search his pocket.
This good mood does not remember some of the promise that Alain Juppe had made with Bordeaux in 2008: "I'll be a full-time mayor with no other elective office," he said during elections Municipal. The future foreign minister had just been elected head of the city, after losing the 2007 legislative elections, and with them his great department of ecology.
HE WELCOMES Alliot-Marie and Nicolas SARKOZY
Asked about other issues, Alain Juppe has shown its solidarity with Michele Alliot-Marie was quite and brings with Nicolas Sarkozy : "I am well placed to know that politics is sometimes made of moments of great toughness and even injustice," he said about his predecessor, in reference to his own in the wilderness following his conviction in 2004. He still remembered that he had talked about "clumsiness" while stating: "Michele Alliot-Marie has assured its function with a great sense of public interest."
"I'll tell you a secret: I thought I might have difficulty working with Nicolas Sarkozy," told Alain Juppe, interviewed on the reasons for its refusal to dock Portfolio Orsay in the reshuffle last November. A decision related to the influence in certain cases French Foreign of Claude Gueant , former secretary general of the Elysee, spent indoors on Sunday. the "confidence" of Alain Juppe seemed above all a means to lease capacity "listening" Nicolas Sarkozy, he is "of course" ready to help 2012.
About the debate on Islam, which he criticized the risks of abuse on his blog, the "Gaullist" this time has been more measured: "There is a framing need, but we should get there. "
Place of Islam: Juppe wants framing the debate to avoid
"It's a question that the French, but if this debate is not controlled and supervised (...) may skid. Because he is here or there, in some sectors of French society a sense of Islamophobia and rejection of the foreigner who is clearly exploited by the National Front ", he argued on France Inter.
"It is dangerous, because today we must try to collect and not to divide," added the UMP mayor of Bordeaux.
Alain Juppe was one of the first members of the majority to worry about the desire of President Nicolas Sarkozy to launch a debate on the place of Islam, stressing that the failure of national identity.
He was also "not conducive to what we reopen the debate on the law of 1905 (...) One of the pillars of the Republic and secularism", unlike the Minister of Housing Benedict appeared.
"I said, long ago, Islam has its place in France. There are four to five million Muslims in France, they are not all practitioners, but they are Muslim and we must respect their religion, "Mr. Juppe said, stressing that it was" a fundamental Republican principle, freedom to choose their religion and practice it. "
" No religion can impose its values the republican community (...) must accept Islam. "This is the framing I want us to do before launching into this discussion that might derail," said the former still Prime Minister.
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