Published March 1, 2011 site by Michel Collon
NATO stands ready to intervene in Libya. We all moved here. Thus, those who bomb civilians in Afghanistan, want to protect them in Libya. Those who have not lifted a finger when Israel massacred Gaza will suddenly take an immense love for the Arabs!
Even if we want it to stop, the Libyans will not suffer less under occupation by the United States. Bush has proven in Iraq, Obama Afghanistan. Drugs, violence, terror ...
While supporting the legitimate demands of the people, condemning all violence and dictatorial, it is recalled that all the wars the USA have been built on media lies. Each information or alleged information will be analyzed with the emotion of solidarity, but also because of the experience ...
If the war was humanitarian, the U.S. and Europe would intervene to save Gaza.
The big five "principles of war propaganda": 1. Obscure economic interests. 2. Appear in humanitarian work. 3. Obscure history. 4. Demonize the enemy. 5. Monopolize the news.
were exposed in the book Israel, let's talk!
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