Posted on Tuesday, March 1 2011sur Site Info
by Ma'an News
But at the same time the government's decision was also proposing to legalize d Other outposts [97 outposts - translator's note], which became "state land".
The announcement came hours after Israeli troops have invested two warehouses in an outpost near Havat Gilad, a Jewish settlement in the northern West Bank near Nablus.
The dismantling of the two structures [the two warehouses] has triggered anger in the communities of settlers, prompting the Israeli army and police to close streets in the northern West Bank, while demonstrations of support for settlers in Jerusalem and broke a series of acts of vandalism were committed by settlers against Palestinians and their property.
According to Haaretz, the Israeli government's decision will be submitted to the High Court of Justice in response to 15 petitions calling for the demolition of the outposts. The decision should affect three outposts manned by about a hundred families.
One hundred outposts of settlements on Palestinian lands installed
It should be noted that the decision will not affect the house formerly occupied by Eliraz Peretz [Israeli army officer killed by Palestinian resistance in March 2010 - translator's note], with an exemption provided by the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
The same decision at the same time present a plan to legalize other outposts. According to NGOs and watchdog groups, there are about 100 settlement outposts stand West Bank.
With three outposts to be dismantled, 97 others could be legalized under Israeli law, according to figures provided by Peace Now [the term legalize is pure propaganda, since the status by definition of all these illegal colonial settlements is the most comprehensive in the eyes of international law - translator's note].
Under international law it is illegal to colonize the occupied lands, which makes all the Israeli settlements and the settlements is a clear violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention.
colonies to be legalized Israel views are those placed on "state land", which according to the study groups and reports by NGOs including Peace Now, are made from stolen land villages in the West Bank Palestinian communities and historically used for agriculture.
A 2006 report by Peace Now, more than 50% of the land on which settlements have been built have been retroactively declared state land. The zones in the occupied West Bank are often reported state land if they are not formally registered as private property, or if it is not cultivated for three years. Under Ottoman rule, it can be declared state land. [The Israeli hypocrisy knows no bounds, because the settlement policy operates as if both Ottoman law, British or Israeli - translator's note]
Under the British mandate a process of land registration had begun and s 'was continued in the West Bank under Jordanian rule. But he was stopped on orders from Israel when its army occupied the West Bank 1967.
1st March 2011 - Ma'an News - You can read this article: ...
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