Let us not undermine the right of foreigners
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Penny Boat Lab Answers.

Do Let's not undermine the right of foreigners
For the fifth time in seven years, the government wants to reform the regime of entry and expulsion of foreigners in France. This new change in law is another step in the weakening of men, women, children and families already severely shaken by the difficulties of exile.
Yet, they are human beings. Some are fleeing war or inhuman treatment to save their lives.
Others simply seek to improve their situation and that of their families. They long as we live together in peace, to find happiness at work, in France, their "host".
But the bill would spell the end of the aspirations of many and, hence, our hospitality and our humanity by reducing their rights to justice, family life and solidarity
If ignored, foreigners will no longer have the right to be heard!
Until then, the law called for control by the courts if they are detained exceeded two days before the expulsion. This safeguard, essential to address the arbitrariness of the administration, is delayed by this bill: and expulsions are possible only for five days on administrative decision.
Moreover, the judicial court will no longer sanction certain irregularities.
If ignored, the right of asylum will be hindered! This bill restricts the possibilities of access to the territory to seek asylum and place a larger number of potential applicants under unfavorable conditions for the examination of their application for protection.
And if they are unsuccessful and returned, he forbade them to return to the European Union for their lives.
If ignored, the right to family life will be limited! The spouses of French nationals or aliens lawfully, even with children in France sometimes without residency. The law may already disrupt their family life will toughen the conditions for their separation by rejecting any possibility of return. Indeed, any alien returned may be "banned" from the European Union
Jusqu'_à 5 years: we reject this double trouble!
If ignored, solidarity remain wrong!
By changing the law, the project would appease the critics said about the offense of "solidarity". By changing only marginally exemption for such an offense, the bill continues to help deter anyone, in good faith and over time, a stranger whom no one knows a priori if it is irregular administrative situation.
It is contradictory to maintain the principle of brotherhood in the currency of the Republic and to punish acts of solidarity motivated by solidarity and defense of the weakest, including foreign
in partnership with other members of society calendar, our organizations, movements, associations and Christians refuse service that measures more restrictive or arbitrary propel thousands of men and women in poverty and despair. We therefore consider it necessary to raise awareness, call for vigilance and information on this bill that contains provisions very disturbing.
We commit ourselves to act so that the figure of the foreigner does not become a scapegoat in France and Europe. Postscript: Call
Christian organizations: Initiators: ACAT-France (Action by Christians for the Abolition of Torture), CCFD - Earth solidarity
FEP (Federation of Mutual Aid Protestant), Cimade (Service Ecumenical Mutual), Secours Catholique / CARITAS France, with the contribution of
SNPM (National Service for Pastoral Care of Migrants)
Auttres signatories National: ACE (Catholic Action for Children), COA (Workers' Catholic Action), Apostleship of Prayer,
Cities Association of Catholic Relief Association Espoir National Catholic Chaplaincy Gypsies and Travellers, CASP (Centre for Social Action
Protestant), CERAS (Centre for Research and Social Action), Christians and AIDS Community Mission de France, Christian Life Community, Congregation of
Auxiliatrices of Charity, Congregation of the Sons of Charity, DEFAP (Protestant service mission ) DOM'Asile, Scouts and Girl Scouts
Unionists France, Reformed Church of France, Team National Priest-Workers, Federation square networks,
Protestant Federation of Education, Evangelical Fellowship Africa-Caribbean-Europe Foundation Army Hi, YCW (Young Christian Workers
), France-JRS (Jesuit Refugee Service Refugees), Justice and Peace - France, Popular Mission Evangelical France,
Missionaries of Africa (White Fathers), MIR-France (International Fellowship of Reconciliation), We are also the Church, Pax Christi -
France, religious mission worker, Christian Network - immigrants, Faith and Justice Network Africa-Europe Network Franciscan Gubbio
Auxiliatrices Sisters, Sisters of the Good Shepherd, National Union of PCVI (Protestant organization of training), National Alliance of Christian Association of Young People
- YMCA-YWCA, VEA (Living the Gospel together now)
I invite all those who are aware of this danger to support the organization of their choice who will denounce these practices and the voice of the voiceless Sr. Eliane
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