Project: Introductory courses and strengthening for the Advancement of Excellence (CIRP)
Together unconstrained vicious build our personal and collective success: it is a duty towards himself, his fellows and to God and it is possible to accomplish it.
Matter: Philosophy
Subject: Methodology comment
Author: M. Samba Gnana
ABOUT No. III: Explain and discuss the following
One way of doing acceptable and at the same time partially rebuttable like many others of which we are still learning our excercer and choose without achieve perfect.
One way of doing acceptable and at the same time partially rebuttable like many others of which we are still learning our excercer and choose without achieve perfect.
According to our understanding subjective and relative, in this excerpt is taken from the first of his Meditations , the author, the French philosopher Rene Descartes questioned the three-way relationship between sources of knowledge: the cultural and social environment, philosophy and science. The initial question which meets the text could be reformulated as: is it possible to base knowledge and particularly scientific knowledge Secure, which he could always get consistently solid truths that resist to various attacks that can pass a rational and practical building and if so under what conditions? It is therefore a reflection of an epistemological nature . The author's thesis is that science is conceivable and feasible provided that the author or its sponsors completely get rid of all their teachings and all of their previous convictions for starts over the counter in search of the truth of things supposedly knowable by man. In other words must first be a philosopher before becoming a scientist. can still repeat as : philosophy as put brackets failing to suppress all knowledge constituted, is the mother of all true science that begins with the The thesis of Descartes is So the next Means a perfect science or a science, so trustworthy that is born of a radical philosophical critique of all of our inheritance in the various places of our education. examination of the meaning and the theoretical and practical value of the thesis of Descartes go through the conceptual analysis of some fundamental concepts such as those of "firmness" and "perseverance" and purification or liberation of consciousness that sound in the word 'discard', but also the notion of truth which is the crucial issue of all knowledge. What the security and firmness of the science or what signs to recognize that science as a source of truth? Can we do away with all our cultural heritage in the field of knowledge in the field of religious beliefs or philosophical, in the areas affected, especially if we accept the thesis example of Freud or Spinoza who believe there is always foggy and chains in the conscience who believes he finally purified of any contingency? an empire or a particular taking of the thesis of historical materialism and dialectics of Karl Marx be wondering: what would be left of consciousness or the same reason and the notion of truth if we are robbed of our history? Can we think without previously formulated idea in the head by nature or by man?
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