Tax havens still powerful
According to a report by the Catholic Committee against Hunger and for development that we purchased, the fight against tax havens has remained virtually a dead letter since the crisis. Things have changed very little since the outbreak yet of the financial crisis, three years ago.
Worst performers
present.In tax paradise: a list of sixty countries
rating is even particularly "salty for countries whose resources are being diverted to tax havens", warns NGO wishing to oblige multinationals to publish their accounts, country by country or subsidiary by subsidiary. An artificial economy
"The British Virgin Islands (which account for 830 000 24 491 inhabitants companies in 2010), Cayman Islands, Luxembourg, Mauritius and the Netherlands account for only 1% of global GDP and 0.27% of the population of the planet, "says the study. In these five countries, however, weigh "more than 1.7 times the U.S. and three times more than Japan, Germany and France combined for investment abroad," surprised the NGOs, based on OECD figures. Explanation: These states are a haven for holding companies and other front companies. Some of these same countries provide anonymity to investors it debits (hedge funds, commercial sites or even online paris messagerie rose…). Des conditions idéales pour qui souhaite échapper au fisc.
Mêmes mécanismes d’évasion pour l’épargne. Ilot de 116 km2 planté entre la France et le Royaume-Uni, le territoire de Jersey, où les taxes et les droits de succession sont quasi inexistants, gère ainsi près de 500 milliards d’euros d’actifs, abritait, l’an dernier, 1 030 fonds spéculatifs et comptait une banque pour 1 125 habitants.
Le terrain de jeu préféré des multinationales
Depuis le1er mars, les entreprises françaises implantées dans l’un des 18 paradis fiscaux référencés par le gouvernement (lire ci-contre) are liable to financial penalties. "These provisions apply only to countries that have no tax treaty with France," says Jean Merckaert, author of the report. However, no sanctions, a priori, for firms located in countries with a cooperation agreement with Paris. "And as these states are unable to provide reliable information on companies established on their territory, said John Merckaert for the latter, the risk is virtually zero. "Especially since they are often aided by" number of banks, lawyers and businessmen. "
Anxious to relieve their accounts, pay lower costs for headquarters or less of property rights, for example, multinational companies have understood the advantages of locating in such territories to taxation sometimes opaque. Among the 50 leading European, three (the Lloyds British, German Bosch and French Total) give virtually no information on their subsidiaries. The 48 others, they declare 4706 subsidiaries in tax havens, the study tells us. French companies - some of which are public! - Are no exception to the rule.
Baccuzat Olivier in Paris
For those who mobilized to request the removal of tax havens that section reveals that it is still far from the goal must continue to put pressure on policy Sr. Eliane
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