ideologies-those" isms "that, much to the satisfaction of their supporters can explain everything down to the last event by subtracting a simple premise-a phenomenon is quite recent, which for decades has played a negligible role in politics. Only the wisdom of the next post we will discover in them some elements that helped make them so useful to the annoyingly totalitarian rule. It was not until Hitler and Stalin were to discover how great the potential for political ideologies.
Ideologies are known for their scientific character: they combine scientific approach and results of a philosophical nature and purport to be a philosophy Science. The word "ideology" seems to imply that an idea can become an object of a science as well as the animals are subjected of zoology: the suffix "logy" in ideology as in zoology, would not identify anything other than 'Logoi "scientific discourse held about him. If this were really so, an ideology would be a pseudo science and pseudophilosophie, violating both the limits of science and those of philosophy. Deism, for example, would be attending the ideology the idea of God who are interested in the philosophy of a scientific theology in which God is a reality revealed (a theology that is not based on the revelation of a reality given, but treat God as an idea, would also be mad that zoology would no longer be certain of the existence physical, tangible, animals.) But we know that this is only partially true. Deism, though he denies the divine revelation does not stop to talk "scientific" a God who is only "idea" and he uses the idea of God to explain the course of the world. "Ideas" that are central doctrines "isms"-the race in racism, God in deism, etc.-are never the subject of ideology and the suffix "logy "Does not only a set of proposals 'scientific'
Hannah Arendt, The Origins of Totalitarianism, Editions Gallimard Quarto, pp.824-825.
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