ARCHITECT ASSOCIATION OF WELL (AAB)-PHILOSOLIDAIRE: Science and falsificationism: failures of theoretical ...
ARCHITECT ASSOCIATION OF WELL (AAB)-PHILOSOLIDAIRE: Science and falsificationism: failures of theoretical ... : "We return from this digression to the design falsificationism progress of science as a process leading to problems ..."
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
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Science and falsificationism: the failures of current theories are necessary conditions for the emergence of new theories more powerful and more extensive
We return after this digression to the design falsificationism progress of science as a process leading to problems with speculative assumptions, in turn critical to their possible forgery and problems new. Two examples will illustrate this point, the first raite the flight of bats, the second of the progress of physics.
We start with a problem. Bats can fly with ease and speed, avoiding the branches of trees, telegraph son, other bats, in addition, they practically steal the night. This is problematic because the plausible theory that animals, like humans, with their eyes apparently falsified. A falsificationism try to solve this problem by issuing a conjecture or hypothesis ...
The development of physics from Aristotle to Einstein via Newton provides another example on a larger scale. Falsificationism description of this development is as follows. Aristotelian physics was awarded to a certain extent, many successes. She managed to explain many phenomena: the fall of heavy objects on the ground (they join their natural place in the center of the universe), the operation of siphons and pumps, lifts (including the explanation is based on the impossibility of the vacuum), etc..
But Aristotle's theory came to be falsified on numerous occasions.
stones dropped from a high mast in a ship moving uniformly fall on the bridge at the foot of the mast and not to a certain distance from the mast, as she predicted. The moons of Jupiter revolve around Jupiter, not around the Earth. Many other falsifications accumulated during the seventeenth century. Newtonian physics, on the contrary, having been created and developed on speculation like Galileo and Newton, proved superior to Aristotle's theory that it replaced.
If Newton's theory was able to account for falling bodies, the operation of siphons and pumps, lifts and all other phenomena already explained by the theories of Aristotle, it could also explain the phenomena that were problematic for Aristotle. In addition, Newton's theory could explain phenomena that were not taken into account by the theory of Aristotle.
AFChalmers, What is science?, "falsification and Progress
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Thursday, September 16, 2010
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The falsificationism Popper or why Marx, Freud and Adler should remain outside of science.
Karl Popper
However the F lsificationiste argues that some theories that have a priori feature of Good scientific theories are in fact that aspect because they are not falsifiable, so they should be rejected. Popper argues that the historical materialism of Marx , psychoanalysis of Freud
La théorie d’Adler pose comme un principe fondamental que les actions humaines sont motivées par des sentiments d’infériorité. Voici un incident qui vient à l’appui de cette thèse : un homme se trouve au bord d’une rivière dangereuse lorsqu’un enfant, près de lui, tombe à l’eau. Ou bien l’homme plongera dans la rivière pour sauver l’enfant, ou bien il ne le fera. S’il le faut l’adlérien répondra que cela va dans le sens de his theory. The man obviously felt the need to overcome his inferiority complex by showing that he was brave enough to dive into the river, despite the danger. If instead there not dive, the Adlerian may also strengthen his theory. For man then overcomes his feelings of inferiority by proving he has the strength to remain unruffled on the bank, while the child runs. If this cartoon illustrates how Adlerian theory works, then the theory is not falsifiable. It matches any human behavior, and precisely For this reason, we do not learn anything of course, a thorough study of Adler's theory would be necessary before rejecting it on that basis, and we can not confine itself to caricature cited. But there are many theories of social, psychological and religious, in their desire to explain everything, eventually, it seems, by not explaining anything.

Karl Popper
However the F lsificationiste argues that some theories that have a priori feature of Good scientific theories are in fact that aspect because they are not falsifiable, so they should be rejected. Popper argues that the historical materialism of Marx , psychoanalysis of Freud
psychology of Adler,
in terms of some of their versions at least, s ouffraient de ce défaut. Sa critique de la psychologie adlérienne peut être illustrée par l’exemple caricatural suivant.
La théorie d’Adler pose comme un principe fondamental que les actions humaines sont motivées par des sentiments d’infériorité. Voici un incident qui vient à l’appui de cette thèse : un homme se trouve au bord d’une rivière dangereuse lorsqu’un enfant, près de lui, tombe à l’eau. Ou bien l’homme plongera dans la rivière pour sauver l’enfant, ou bien il ne le fera. S’il le faut l’adlérien répondra que cela va dans le sens de his theory. The man obviously felt the need to overcome his inferiority complex by showing that he was brave enough to dive into the river, despite the danger. If instead there not dive, the Adlerian may also strengthen his theory. For man then overcomes his feelings of inferiority by proving he has the strength to remain unruffled on the bank, while the child runs. If this cartoon illustrates how Adlerian theory works, then the theory is not falsifiable. It matches any human behavior, and precisely For this reason, we do not learn anything of course, a thorough study of Adler's theory would be necessary before rejecting it on that basis, and we can not confine itself to caricature cited. But there are many theories of social, psychological and religious, in their desire to explain everything, eventually, it seems, by not explaining anything.
Alan Francis Chalmers What is science?
"the property is based on our horizon"
Thursday, September 2, 2010
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What is ideology?
pucrs.jpg-274 × 340 - "We must also resist the totalitarian thinking ..."-

ideologies-those" isms "that, much to the satisfaction of their supporters can explain everything down to the last event by subtracting a simple premise-a phenomenon is quite recent, which for decades has played a negligible role in politics. Only the wisdom of the next post we will discover in them some elements that helped make them so useful to the annoyingly totalitarian rule. It was not until Hitler and Stalin were to discover how great the potential for political ideologies.
Ideologies are known for their scientific character: they combine scientific approach and results of a philosophical nature and purport to be a philosophy Science. The word "ideology" seems to imply that an idea can become an object of a science as well as the animals are subjected of zoology: the suffix "logy" in ideology as in zoology, would not identify anything other than 'Logoi "scientific discourse held about him. If this were really so, an ideology would be a pseudo science and pseudophilosophie, violating both the limits of science and those of philosophy. Deism, for example, would be attending the ideology the idea of God who are interested in the philosophy of a scientific theology in which God is a reality revealed (a theology that is not based on the revelation of a reality given, but treat God as an idea, would also be mad that zoology would no longer be certain of the existence physical, tangible, animals.) But we know that this is only partially true. Deism, though he denies the divine revelation does not stop to talk "scientific" a God who is only "idea" and he uses the idea of God to explain the course of the world. "Ideas" that are central doctrines "isms"-the race in racism, God in deism, etc.-are never the subject of ideology and the suffix "logy "Does not only a set of proposals 'scientific'
Hannah Arendt, The Origins of Totalitarianism, Editions Gallimard Quarto, pp.824-825.
"the property is based on our horizon"
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