Moines-Beggars-Wylie-1.jpg / 401 × 407 - mendicant monks in the Middle Ages /
When you want to cut down a tree or building an administration of criminal organizations, he achieved the foundation or roots. Therefore chase beggars from the streets of Dakar is not a solution but rather an expression of helplessness so far hidden to effectively combat poverty. Tiken Jah Fakoly asks:
"Where do you want me to go? "
Hunting beggars in Dakar you would find in Mbour in Tivaoune, Thies at Zinguinchor.Imaginez you a beggar in the beautiful and generous nature of our dear Casamance. Imagine a beggar some Sabadola.C not mine 'is a collective crime crime.Un executed by the state and sponsored by a people who refuse to learn, work, love and share fairly even with those who can not do anything or anyone because of some disability or severe natural materials have been marginalized as if a severed arm or the fact they can not walk prevented from being a great mathematician or a great philosopher.
This idea is serious and I révoltte especially when it comes to a prime minister expected to be among the lawyers of our state and especially the universal law that deals with all men. Chase beggars from the streets of Dakar is to affirm that none has the right to use streets of Dakar with him if he has no power to meet its own needs. In other words, it could be that we other very poor and yet we are also working at one time or another called to our luggage. If the right to stay in Dakar and travel through the streets of Dakar dependent power to survive without a helping hand to anyone, certainly the streets of Dakar were deserted as they are when it comes to the Magaal Touba or Gamou of the Tivaone or pélrinage Popenguine.
And yet the Prime Minister is right. When it is first minister of a government which publicly welcomed the prince to have created new wealthy bourgeoisie and a new one next to that Senghor and Abdou Diouf were produced and at the same time we see the rate beggars increase day by day to be among the most popular social facts, it is enough to banish the beggars look beautiful streets of Dakar, fearing some evil spirits or diffameurs does say it's poverty so that the other princes of the world create wealth from their yard.
It is a crime of genocide as well as that of Yopougon or even the extermination of the Jews because it is from there as a liquidation or very barbaric and cunning of a class déindividus selected by the criteria of race or political affiliation or religious affiliation in favor of another class.
"Where do you want me to go?"

We rely on the principle of Islamic solidarity recommended that all Muslims across the Muslim and Christians who have found this principle among the elders, all men on earth, including the proletariat since Karl Marx.
Poor minister first in the list of its leader that creates new richards yesterday beggars yet! Instead of telling these beggars from elsewhere that Senegal is a country that strives to become a land of Teranga and satisfaction by the power of solidarity, he finds that this horrible idea.
I was very shocked the other day met with a former war wounded from the Senegalese army in the streets of Dakar. It was night and the electricity was cut off. But I could see he was wearing a uniform of the Senegalese army in which I distinctly saw the national flag whose lights shone sufficiently tortuous alley where we met. When the day arrives, he removes the uniform because he does not want young people say that this republic is not worth the sacrifice a limb or a lifetime, she leaves her brave Jambar away to death on the street.

We are not going anywhere. We Senegalese, Malian us, we Guinean begging in the streets of Dakar.
"Where do you want me to go? "
Check again with your counselor and your prince before seeing too late that by attacking so brutal lives certainly very impoverished and not just as by nature but by political projects designed macabre and coldly executed by people, you attack head on all women, all men who are willing to throw into the trap of these beggars without keeping anything in the name the principle of the right of every person to seek the fruits of its fullness without doing harm to anyone, under the principle of solidarity between all people of the earth. It's still a blatant affront to the dignity and the universal right of every man to look everywhere on earth and by all means available to it without harming anyone, the fruits of its fullness.