Singing language: Kikongo
receiver / receiver: Enock MATONDO
Year reception: unknown
1 - E ntangu has nlemvo yena bwabu kwa beto
Time forgiveness is given us now
Tulenda yo Sadila
We can enjoy
Mu fell moyo utuavewa mu Yesu
To seek salvation was given us in Jesus
Babonso tukubama.
all, let us prepare.
Mvutu / Chorus:
Baminlongi, Luiza babonsono!
* Teachers, come all!
Badibundu, Luiza babonsono!
The faithful, come all!
O luiza tuafinama!
Come, let us draw near!
Fintama Yesu kwa beto tuna Kwenda
Soon we will go to Jesus,
Nate ye mu mazulu
Until heaven.
2 - E ntangu has nlemvo yena bwabu kwa beto
The time of forgiveness is given us now,
Tulenda sisa Mambi
We can abandon the evil
zomina Koloa Ye kia moyo tuasilwa
And seize the crown of life that has been promised
Babonso tukubama.
all, let us prepare.
3 - E ntangu has nlemvo Yina suka kwa beto
The time of forgiveness will
Babonso tuyindula
all, think
E Yesu kwa beto bwabu Weti boka
Jesus cries out to us
babonso tukubama.
all, let us prepare.
4- Balanda Yesu bana tambula moyo
Ceux qui ont suivi Jésus recevront la vie
Muna kayengele
Là où il est allé (au sky)
Ye nlemvo Yenge bina ye kwa kala bau
And forgiveness and peace will be given their
Mu miamionsono MVU.
Vibrant call to repentance launched ... the faithful gathered in the church! One would have expected another recipient, for example the unconverted. But no, these are the converts who need to approach the Lord to be saved. Everything remains to be done within the Christian community reflect on the harm we do, abandon the bad actions, preparing for meet his God. The second stanza ( Tulenda sisa Mambi / We can abandon evil ) suggests that it is not easy, but we can do it!
The call to order the believers is straightforward: this is not the status of Christian salvation, but rather the process of repentance and radical change that the Lord expects.
receiver / receiver: Enock MATONDO
Year reception: unknown
1 - E ntangu has nlemvo yena bwabu kwa beto
Time forgiveness is given us now
Tulenda yo Sadila
We can enjoy
Mu fell moyo utuavewa mu Yesu
To seek salvation was given us in Jesus
Babonso tukubama.
all, let us prepare.
Mvutu / Chorus:
Baminlongi, Luiza babonsono!
* Teachers, come all!
Badibundu, Luiza babonsono!
The faithful, come all!
O luiza tuafinama!
Come, let us draw near!
Fintama Yesu kwa beto tuna Kwenda
Soon we will go to Jesus,
Nate ye mu mazulu
Until heaven.
2 - E ntangu has nlemvo yena bwabu kwa beto
The time of forgiveness is given us now,
Tulenda sisa Mambi
We can abandon the evil
zomina Koloa Ye kia moyo tuasilwa
And seize the crown of life that has been promised
Babonso tukubama.
all, let us prepare.
3 - E ntangu has nlemvo Yina suka kwa beto
The time of forgiveness will
Babonso tuyindula
all, think
E Yesu kwa beto bwabu Weti boka
Jesus cries out to us
babonso tukubama.
all, let us prepare.
4- Balanda Yesu bana tambula moyo
Ceux qui ont suivi Jésus recevront la vie
Muna kayengele
Là où il est allé (au sky)
Ye nlemvo Yenge bina ye kwa kala bau
And forgiveness and peace will be given their
Mu miamionsono MVU.
* Minlongi (teachers) means those who teach the Word of God in the church: pastors, evangelists, catechists.
Vibrant call to repentance launched ... the faithful gathered in the church! One would have expected another recipient, for example the unconverted. But no, these are the converts who need to approach the Lord to be saved. Everything remains to be done within the Christian community reflect on the harm we do, abandon the bad actions, preparing for meet his God. The second stanza ( Tulenda sisa Mambi / We can abandon evil ) suggests that it is not easy, but we can do it!
The call to order the believers is straightforward: this is not the status of Christian salvation, but rather the process of repentance and radical change that the Lord expects.